Warm Sweater Day 2023

This year Erasmus University is once again participating in Warm Sweater Day, a national initiative to save energy. Participants turn down their heating to reduce carbon emissions. Warm Sweater Day at EUR will be organized at the Erasmus Sustainability Hub on Thursday 9 February, Ground Floor Mandeville, 13:15 – 14:30.

Thursday 9 Feb 2023, 13:15 - 14:30

Erasmus Sustainability Hub (Ground Floor Mandeville)

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After the appeal from the government to save energy last year, the thermostat in all EUR buildings has been turned down to a temperature of 19 degrees Celsius. This year, the Erasmus Sustainability Hub will serve vegan soup and a discussion on sustainability themes will be organized during Warm Sweater Day. Visitors are actively invited to walk in and participate in the conversation.

Sustainable campus

By serving hot soup, we emphasize the importance of reducing our negative impact on the climate: we heat ourselves instead of the environment. We want to raise awareness on the topic and take the opportunity to talk to the EUR community about our ambitions and how we can accelerate our sustainability program.


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Find out all about the Erasmus Sustainability Hub.

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