Thematic Poster Presentation on Assessment

Wednesday 30 Oct 2019, 12:00 - 15:00
Education Lab
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With great pleasure we would like to invite you for the postersession (including lunch) at the CLI lab on October 30 between 12 and 3pm.

In this session, our master students from the Educational Science and Educational Psychology track will present their ideas for innovations and recommendations for assessment.

Because this group of Ma students is very diverse (i.e. students from Psychology, Pedagogy, academic teacher training students and professionals that did the pre-master), it will be a an inspiring and dynamic meeting reflecting multiple perspectives. Kick-off pitches will be given at 12, but you are free to come and leave any moment between 12 and 3pm.


For logistic reasons, if you like to attend, I kindly ask you to confirm to with name, employer and diet wishes (for the lunch).

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