(Re)mapping Rotterdam

Friday 21 Jun 2024, 14:00 - 19:00
Spoken Language
Woudestein Campus, Theil building, Room CB-4 (ground floor)
Theil Building
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Straat in Rotterdam in de zomer.

Rotterdam has a rich landscape of civil society organizations working on diversity and inclusion. There are manifold networks and connections between organizations, but also lots of fragmentation. An encompassing database of organizations is missing and fora to discuss collaborations are scarce.

With this in mind we organize the Remapping Rotterdam Forum.

More than 100 civil society organizations working on diversity, inclusion, equality and antidiscrimination were invited – along many researchers passionate about similar issues.

The event offers the following exchange and learning opportunities:

13:30 Arrival en welcome

14:00-15:00: Relations and power in diversity and inclusion networks in Rotterdam Presentation and discussion of research findings and of a shared database of civil society organizations in the city

15:00-15:15: Break

15:15-16:15: Parallel workshops:

  • MapLab: Exploring creative ways and tools for organizations to position themselves, map their network and identify missing links and potential new connections Workshop led by Dayna-Lee Stewart 
  • Funding 101: Tips and tricks to municipal subsidies– Workshop provided by one of the policy advisors from the Team Samenleven, Gemeente Rotterdam
  • Cross-cutting the academia-civil society divide: Experiences of opportunities and challenges of collaboration of researchers and civil society practitioners – Workshop led by Maria Schiller, VCC theme lead

16:15-16:30: Break


  • Feedback workshops 
  • An alliance for living together in diversity – What can we learn from Mannheim? Input from the coordinator of the Buendnis fuer Vielfalt (Stadt Mannheim) and “Eine Welt Forum”, Mannheim 
  • Towards new practices of collaborating in Rotterdam: Fishbowl

18:00: Borrel

Join us for an afternoon of thought-provoking discussions, insightful presentations & practical workshops to engage with local experts and peers who are passionate about creating an inclusive city.

If you have not registered, please make sure to sign up ASAP here!

Any questions can be directed to vcc.inlusion.eur.nl

We look forward to your participation in shaping a more inclusive Rotterdam!

Vital Cities & Citizens Re-Mapping Team  

  • Isabel Awad, Project Lead
  • Maria Schiller, Project Lead
  • Dayna-Lee Stewart, Project Coordination

This event will be mostly in Dutch, with presentations in English from guests from Mannheim


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