PhD defence R.J. (Rama) Wahab

On 2Nnovember 2021, R.J. Wahab will defend her PhD dissertation, entitled: ‘Early-pregnancy Glucose Metabolism and Childhood Health: From associations to prediction’.
Prof.dr. V.W.V. Jaddoe
Dr. R. Gaillard
Tuesday 2 Nov 2021, 15:30 - 17:00
PhD defence
Professor Andries Querido room
Education Center
Erasmus MC
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On 2Nnovember 2021, R.J. Wahab will defend her PhD dissertation, entitled: ‘Early-pregnancy Glucose Metabolism and Childhood Health: From associations to prediction’.

Maternal glucose metabolism goes through major adaptations during pregnancy to provide optimal circumstances for fetal growth and development. Small disruptions of maternal glucose metabolism during pregnancy could already lead to adaptations in fetal development, which may have irreversible consequences for offspring cardiometabolic health. To prevent adverse cardio-metabolic health outcomes, we need to obtain more insight into the effects of higher maternal glucose concentrations in pregnancy on offspring cardio-metabolic development. Next to maternal glucose concentrations, the maternal diet is an important factor to take into consideration, as it is highly related to glucose metabolism and can be modified during pregnancy. Early identification of women and their children at risk of complications is essential to provide optimal care and deliver timely interventions that may help to improve health of future generations. The general aims of this thesis were first, to explore the impact of maternal metabolism during pregnancy on offspring birth and cardio-metabolic outcomes; second, to identify maternal characteristics that can influence maternal metabolism and subsequent offspring health outcomes; and third, to assess whether these maternal characteristics can be used to develop screening tools for risk prediction of adverse offspring health outcomes. The studies presented in this thesis were embedded in the Generation R Study, a population-based prospective cohort study from fetal life onwards in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. The Generation R Study is designed to identify early environmental, metabolic and genetic determinants of growth, development and health in fetal life and childhood.

The public defence will take place at the Prof. Andries Queridoroom, 3rd floor Education Center, Erasmus MC. The ceremony will begin exactly at 15.30 PM. In light of the solemn nature of the ceremony, we recommend that you do not take children under the age of 6 to the first part of the ceremony.

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