PhD defence H. (Hester) van Willigenburg

Renal Disease: Senescence as a new piece of the puzzle
Dr. ing. R.W.F. de Bruin
Dr. P.L.J. de Keizer
Thursday 9 Jun 2022, 15:30 - 17:00
PhD defence
Senate Hall
Erasmus Building
Campus Woudestein
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On Thursday, 9 June 2022, H. van Willigenburg will defend her PhD dissertation, entitled: ‘Renal Disease: Senescence as a new piece of the puzzle’.

Dissertation in short:

The increasing age of our population brings new challenges to our healthcare system. The incidence in age-related kidney disease and kidney failure is increasing and only limited treatment options are available, most of which have high costs or poor outcomes. Senescent cells are an important driver of aging, and have been causatively linked to several age related diseases. However, much remains to be elucidated on the role of senescent cells in kidney diseases. In this thesis we set out to increase our knowledge on the causes and consequences of senescence in several kidney pathologies, including autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), acute kidney injury (AKI), and as a consequence of immunosuppression after (renal) transplantation.

More information

The public defence will begin exactly at 15.30 hrs. The doors will be closed once the public defence starts, latecomers may be able to watch on the screen outside. There is no possibility of entrance during the first part of the ceremony. Due to the solemn nature of the ceremony, we recommend that you do not take children under the age of 6 to the first part of the ceremony.

A live stream link has been provided to the candidate.

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