PhD defence F.E. (Florian) Buisman

On 12 October 2021, F.E. Buisman will defend his PhD dissertation, entitled: ‘Colorectal Liver Metastases – Intra-arterial Pump Chemotherapy ’.

On 12 October 2021, F.E. Buisman will defend his PhD dissertation, entitled: ‘Colorectal Liver Metastases – Intra-arterial Pump Chemotherapy ’.

Prof.dr. C. Verhoef
Prof.dr. M.I. D’Angelica
Dr. B. Groot Koerkamp
Dr. D.J. Grünhagen
Tuesday 12 Oct 2021, 13:00 - 14:30
PhD defence
Professor Andries Querido room
Education Center
Erasmus MC
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The objective of this thesis was to develop clinical trials on Hepatic Arterial Infusion Pump (HAIP) chemotherapy in patients with resectable colorectal liver metastases (CRLM), and to study factors that are associated with prognosis and prediction in CRLM patients. The results of this thesis will be evaluated in three parts. Part I focused on the outcomes of perioperative HAIP and systemic chemotherapy in patients with resectable CRLM. In Part II results off a phase II safety and feasibility study on HAIP chemotherapy in the Netherlands were discussed. Additionally, a trial protocol of a multicenter phase III randomized controlled trial (RCT) was presented. This trial is currently running in the Netherlands and was designed to investigate the efficacy of HAIP chemotherapy after resection compared to resection only in patients with CRLM confined to the liver and a low Clinical Risk Score (CRS). Part III focused on the prognostic and predictive value of clinical and pathological factors after resection of CRLM. In addition, models that predict individual patient outcome were evaluated.

The public defence will take place at the Prof. Andries Queridoroom, 3rd floor Education Center, Erasmus MC. The ceremony will begin exactly at 13.00 PM. In light of the solemn nature of the ceremony, we recommend that you do not take children under the age of 6 to the first part of the ceremony.

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