PhD defence A. (Aniek) Dane

Cost Containment of Expensive Drugs from a University Hospital's Perspective, Discovering new routes to safeguard accessibility to innovative medicinal therapies

On Tuesday 18 February 2025, A. Dane will defend the doctoral thesis titled:  Cost Containment of Expensive Drugs from a University Hospital's Perspective.

Prof. dr. P.H.M. van der Kuy
Prof. dr. C.A. Uyl-de Groot
Tuesday 18 Feb 2025, 15:30 - 17:00
PhD defence
Professor Andries Querido room
Education Center
Erasmus MC
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Below is a brief summary of the dissertation: 

The increasing costs of innovative medicines pose a threat to the accessibility of healthcare systems worldwide, despite the improved quality of life and survival rates these medicines often offer. It is important to ensure access and promote innovation, especially given the emergence of very expensive treatments such as gene and cell therapies.
This dissertation investigates ways to contain the costs of innovative medicines from the perspective of university hospitals. These hospitals play a crucial role in the entire lifecycle of medicines, from fundamental research and clinical trials with patients, to the procurement, prescription, distribution, and administration of medicines to patients. With this involvement, university hospitals have a significant social responsibility to ensure the accessibility and affordability of innovative medicines, in line with the European Pharmaceutical Strategy of 2020.
The dissertation highlights the role of university hospitals in the various phases of the drug life cycle and explores how this role can be more effectively utilized. Key findings include intensifying involvement in drug research and attention to efficient prescribing, along with a call for system disruption by adding competitive elements. The first suggestion is to make greater use of the potential for local production of medicines through hospital pharmacies. The second is to give university hospitals more involvement and ownership in the research, registration, and market introduction of self-discovered medicines. Both require a mission-oriented approach, interdisciplinary collaboration on a European scale, societal engagement, the adoption of new technologies, and above all, courage.

More information

The public defence will start exactly at 15.30 hrs. The doors will be closed once the public defence starts, latecomers can access the hall via the fourth floor. Given the solemn nature of the meeting, we advise not to bring children under the age of 6 to the first part of the ceremony. 
A livestream link has been provided to candidate. 

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