You are cordially invited to the 15th edition of the lolaHESG (lowlands Health Economists' Study Group) conference that will take place on 25-26 May 2023. The conference is organised by EsCHER (Erasmus Centre for Health Economics Rotterdam) and held at Hotel Zuiderduin in Egmond aan Zee in the Netherlands.
- Date
- Thursday 25 May 2023, 09:00 - Friday 26 May 2023, 17:30
- Type
- Conference
- Spoken Language
- English
- Location
Hotel Zuiderduin in Egmond aan Zee
- Ticket information
Abstract submission and registration for lolaHESG 2023 are closed.

Keynote Speaker
We are happy to announce Johannes Spinnewijn as keynote speaker at the lolaHESG 2023 conference!
Johannes Spinnewijn is Professor of Economics at the London School of Economics. His research focuses on topics in public economics, including the design of social insurance, tax and healthcare systems. Important themes in his work are the development of evidence-based frameworks to evaluate policy and the design of optimal policies when people are subject to behavioural biases. Johannes is co-editor of the Journal of Public Economics and associate editor at the Review of Economic Studies and American Economic Review. He is also Director at the CEPR of the Public Economics program and research fellow of the Institute for Fiscal Studies and the Center for Economic Policy Research. Prior to joining the LSE, he completed his PhD at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Key dates 2023
16 January | Registration open |
16 January | Abstract submission open |
20 February | Deadline abstract submission |
27 March | Notification abstract acceptance |
24 April | General programme available online |
24 April | Deadline paper submission |
1 May | Registration closure (Update: registration closed as of 17 April 2023, due to high demand) |
15 May | Detailed programme available online |
25-26 May | Conference |
Further information
See below for information on the guideline and submission of your abstract(s).
Authors can submit a maximum of 2 abstracts on unpublished studies. Note that the abstract(s) must be submitted in English and that the studies need to be sufficiently advanced to submit the full paper before the deadline of 24 April 2023.
Guideline for abstract structure
- Title of paper: Provide a brief title (maximum 100 characters) that clearly indicates the content of the paper.
- Author: Provide the name, degree, affiliation, and email address of the principal author of the paper. Note that the principal author will participate in the discussion on the paper during the conference.
- Co-author(s): Provide the name(s), degree(s), affiliation(s), and email address(es) of the co-author(s) of the paper.
- Thematic area: Select the thematic area in which your paper can best be discussed: Health Economics, Health Technology Assessment, Health Systems and Insurance, Behavioural Health Economics, or Health Preference and Outcomes Research
- Abstract: Provide maximum relevant information in the abstract (maximum 300 words) using the following structure: objective, methods, results, conclusions.
- Keywords: Provide 3 keywords for your abstract.
The objective of the lolaHESG conference it to improve unpublished papers. Early-career researchers (PhD students and researchers within 3 years of obtaining their PhD) are, therefore, especially encouraged to submit their abstract(s).
Abstract submission for lolaHESG 2023 closed on February 20th, 2023.
See below for information on the structure and on the roles of the chair, discussant, author, and audience during the parallel sessions.
During the lolaHESG conference, draft papers are presented and discussed in a number of parallel sessions with the objective to improve the quality of the papers. The main language during these sessions is English to enable international scholars to participate in discussions.
Structure of parallel sessions
The structure of the parallel sessions follows that of the Health Economists' Study Group (HESG) in the United Kingdom:
- Each parallel session is chaired
- For each paper 45 minutes of discussion time is available (per parallel session 2, max 3, papers are discussed)
- Each paper is discussed by a discussant, the author of the paper, and the audience.
- Each session starts with a presentation of 20 minutes by the discussant, in which s/he discusses the main content of the draft paper and highlights important remarks for discussion. The presentation ends with an overview of discussion points (1 or 2 slides).
- The author then has 10 minutes to clarify matters (if necessary) or to answer the questions raised by the discussant. The author can indicate which discussion points s/he considers to be most interesting and relevant for improving the paper, but does not (yet) respond to the discussion points raised by the discussant.
- An in-depth plenary discussion of the paper will follow for 15 minutes, during which the audience is invited to actively participate in the discussion between the discussant and author by raising their owns questions and providing their own feedback.
- It is assumed that the audience has read the paper that is discussed.
- The discussant and author have the opportunity to briefly respond to any points made at the end of the session (if they wish to do so).
Session chair
- Ensures that participants perform their assigned roles during the parallel session
- Keeps track of the time: 20 minutes for presentation of the discussant, 10 minutes for author's response, and 15 minutes for plenary discussion
- Stimulates discussion and minimizes unproductive time
- If applicable, stimulates the audience to participate in the discussion
- Ensures that the discussion is focused on open questions
- Helps the author further improve the paper by providing feedback on the draft and suggestions for improvement
- Presents a short summary of the draft paper in 20 minutes and highlights important points for discussion as raised by the author and him-/herself
- Highlights important points for discussion (preferably in the draft paper)
- If applicable, clarifies unclear matters in the draft paper raised by the discussant or the audience
- Indicates which discussion points are most relevant to him/her
- Reads the draft paper before the session
- Participates actively in the discussion
The deadline for submitting the draft paper opens 27 March 2023 and closes on 24 April 2023.
See below for general and detailed information on the programme of the lolaHESG 2023 conference.
The general programme is now available:
Conference day 1 | 25 May 2023 |
09:30 - 10:00 | Registration |
10:00 - 10:30 | Plenary session 1 | Opening by Vivian Reckers-Droog and Bram Wouterse |
10:30 - 12:45 | Parallel session 1 |
12:45 - 14:00 | Lunch |
14:00 - 15:30 | Parallel session 2 |
16:00 - 17:00 | Plenary session 2 | Keynote by Johannes Spinnewijn |
17:00 - 17:45 | Hotel check-in |
17:45 - 19:00 | Drinks (group photo at 18:15) |
19:00 - 20:30 | Dinner |
20:30 - 21:30 | Pub quiz |
21:30 - 01:00 | Party |
Conference day 2 | 26 May 2023 |
07:30 - 10:00 | Breakfast |
10:00 - 12:15 | Parallel session 3 |
12:15 - 13:30 | Lunch |
13:30 - 14:00 | Plenary session 3 | Update 'Guideline for economic evaluations in healthcare' by Amarens Geuzinge |
14:00 - 15:30 | Parallel session 4 |
15:30 - 16:00 | Plenary session 4 | Closing by Vivian Reckers-Droog and Bram Wouterse |
16:00 - 17:30 | Drinks |
The detailed programme will be published on 15 May 2023.
See below for practical information on the registration, fee, and venue for lolaHESG 2023.
Register for the lolaHESG 2023 conference by visiting this page. Registration for the conference closes on May 1st, 2023.
Update: Please note that registration for lolaHESG 2023 is no longer possible from 17 April 2023, due to high demand.
Conference fee
The conference fee of 325 euros includes:
- Hotel room on Thursday 25 May 2023. An additional night at Hotel Zuiderduin can be booked at a reduced fee for 24-25 May 2023.
- On Thursday 25 May 2023: welcome with coffee and tea, lunch, dinner, refreshments between sessions, social drinks, and party.
- On Friday 26 May 2023: breakfast, lunch, refreshments between sessions, and social drinks at the closing of the conference.
Dietary wishes
- You can inform the organising committee about any allergies or dietary wishes by email (
Cancellation and refunds
The organising committee must be informed by email ( in case of cancellation.
- Cancellation before (and no later than) 8 May 2023: The conference fee minus 30 euros administration fee will be refunded after lolaHESG 2023 has taken place.
- Cancellation after this date: No refunds will be made.
The conference is held at Hotel Zuiderduin in Egmond aan Zee in the Netherlands.
Zeeweg 52
1931 VL Egmond aan Zee
The Netherlands
Coming by public transport? Take bus 165 from the train station in Alkmaar to Egmond aan Zee (20 minute bus ride, bus leaves every 30 minutes during the day and every 60 minutes during the evening).
Coming by car? Navigate to Zeeweg 52 in Egmond aan Zee.
You can park for free, on the basis of availability, on the packing deck or in the parking garage of the hotel.
See below for information on the organising committee.
lolaHESG 2023 is organised by EsCHER (Erasmus Centre for Health Economics Rotterdam).
The organising and scientific committee are chaired by Dr. Vivian Reckers-Droog and Dr. Bram Wouterse, respectively. Both committees are assisted by researchers and supporting staff from the affiliated department of Applied Economics of ESE (Erasmus School of Economics), departments of Health Economics, Health Technology Assessment, Health Systems and Insurance of ESHPM (Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management), and iMTA (institute for Medical Technology Assessment) of Erasmus University Rotterdam.