Learning & Innovation bEURs 2021

Wednesday 13 Oct 2021, 09:30 - 12:00
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This event is meant for all EUR teachers, students and supporting staff who are interested in the innovation of education.

What are the experiences of EUR lecturers with online education? They will share their best practices with you during online workshops, and will inspire you to get the most out of online education possibilities.

Theme of this year Learning & Innovation bEURs will be online education. Think of topics such as:

  • Hybrid education
  • Innovations to keep after COVID-19
  • Didactical Challenges
  • Student wellbeing


09:30Opening and talkshow
10:10Workshop sessions track I
11:10Workshop sessions track II
12:00End of event

Workshop sessions track I

  • The future of teaching: hybrid course design

    By Remy Fermont and Romy van Leeuwen (CLI)

    In the past year we were forced to experiment with a lot of online teaching methods. Some were successful and others were not. But what will happen after the pandemic? How will the future of education look like? And how do we integrate our positive online experiences in our future educational practices. We believe that traditional learning models will not suit anymore. We need to combine the best of everything that we have discovered. In this short webinar you will learn about the concept of hybrid course design. A course design model in which you can investigate the best possible learning modality for each learning activity. We will provide you with suggestions and ideas for rethinking your courses. And even more we will try to prepare you for the education of the future.

  • An interdisciplinary space for learning about social (in)equalities: What a collaborative website has to offer. 

    By Isabel Awad, Mariana Fried and Wiebke Aepkers (ESHCC)

    "Learning for equality in Rotterdam” is a website that showcases knowledge about social inequalities in Rotterdam, produced by EUR’s students across different disciplines. The pilot version displays relevant theses and coursework, as well as video descriptions of the courses in which the work was produced. The website provides a platform for students to share their work. It also aims to be a pedagogical tool and to encourage further work and interdisciplinary collaborations on this topic. More broadly, it seeks to engage EUR experts, students, and the wider public in a multidisciplinary discussion about real life local problems and efforts to fight them. What makes –and, most notably, could make— “Learning for equality in Rotterdam” attractive and useful for EUR lecturers and students? How to secure participation and support inside and outside EUR? During the workshop, we will reflect on these questions, which are key for the value, growth, and sustainability of the project.

  • How Erasmus School of Law Onboards its first year students

    By Quincy Breidel and Lisette Langedijk-Schuurman (ESL)

    During this session we will talk about the importance of good onboarding and how we have approached this at Erasmus School of Law. We discuss this from three perspectives. To start with, Lisette Langedijk will tell you more about the administrative considerations for getting started with the three projects. Then Quincy Breidel will briefly take you through how the onboarding project was picked up and implemented. Finally, it is interesting to give the floor to a student who has made use of the matching module prior to the final choice of study, who has subsequently completed the onboarding module after registration and who is participating in the buddy program at the time of the bEURs.

  • Webinar future proof assessment design 

    By Marit Nieuwenhuys and Anke Swanenberg (CLI)

    Due to the Covid pandemic, all education including assessment moved online in March 2020. As a result, many moved from more traditional MC or open-ended questions exams towards alternative types of assessment such as take home (open book) exams and assignments. Others were forced to turn to online proctoring to prevent fraud in online examinations. We do not know yet how this situation will develop in the academic year 2021-2022, but many are expecting that at least to some degree, on-campus exams will become an option once again, albeit with necessary back-up plans and issues with capacity. Does this mean we will go back to the “old ways”? Or can we use our experiences with remote examination and design assessments that incorporate the best of both? In this interactive webinar you will learn how to choose an assessment method and modality (online or on campus) that best suits your course and is future-proof.  

  • More engagement, more social interactions and may we say a little more fun? Learning via a game-based digital escape room.

    By Koen Swinnen (ESL) and Alexander Whitcomb (ErasmusX)

    One of the identified issues in relation to online education is the lack of social engagement and interaction between students. Especially when you want your students to work together to solve a problem or combat a challenge. Sure you can use zoom or teams, but these tools don't feel as natural or authentic real environments give you. Especially when you have a digital classroom over hundreds of students. So how do you enhance engagement and interaction online? This was the main challenge ESL and ErasmusX took on. Together we experiment with engaging game-based-learning environments for a brand-new Legal Tech course, launched in the new academic year. Join our session and get inspired by how we designed an Escape Room learning environment in the GatherTown platform. 1500+ part- and full-time Law students can now collaborate anywhere and anytime they want in an interactive way.

Workshop sessions track II

  • Gradual wickedization: From MOOCs to vlogs and film essays

    By Tim de Mey (ESPhil), Noortje Hermans, Laura Houtenbrink, Arjen de Jongste, Jop de Koning and Sarah Leebeek

    On the occasion of the launch of the MOOC Thought Experiments, we will reflect in this workshop on the powers and limits of the use of MOOCs in our own curriculum. On the assumption that MOOCs are ideally suited for basic ‘disciplinary training’ by means of ‘exemplars’, I.e., paradigmatic examples of well-defined problems and clear-cut solutions, we explore the prospects of a ‘gradual wickedization’ of the curriculum, not only in terms of the complexity of the real-world problems that are addressed, but also qua products that the teachers and students co-create. During the workshop, we’ll scrutinize our own project in the Master-trajectory ‘Philosophy of Innovative Higher Education’ to work together to intervene in the public debate on the real-world problem of ‘truth decay’, by creating a vlog and a film essay about it.

    Dr. T.K.A.M. de Mey
  • Edubadges, van pilot naar praktijk!

    By Marijn van den Doel (RSM) and Margôt Stolker (CLI)

    At the end of 2020, the Edubadges platform was officially launched by SURFnet. Now that the technical infrastructure is ready, it is possible to look even more concretely at the implementation and added value of badges. What exactly are badges and how can they be used in education? What should we pay attention to if we want to get started with badges? What can badges possibly be issued for within Erasmus University (EUR) and for what not? In short, plenty of material to think about together! During this interactive session, a general explanation is given about badges and we show the Edubadges platform. After that, we would like to discuss possible frameworks with the participants for issuing badges within the EUR education programmes.

  • Empowering students to design their own (skill) education

    By LifeVersity – Matt Hrusc (CLI)

    Since 2020 close to 700 students enrolled in skill courses organized by the CLI project LifeVersity. The uniqueness of this project was that those courses were designed and delivered by students. Until now, 15 small-scale courses focused on 21st-century transferable skills were created this way.

    In this workshop we will discuss:

    • Advantages and challenges of student-designed education.
    • How to create lessons that students want to attend even in their free time. 
    • How can you empower students to contribute to your own teaching.
  • Catch me if you can – how to design education for integrity?

     By Kris Stabel (CLI)

    Very high integrity standards are maintained in academic research and academic teaching with a view to guaranteeing academic quality. Yet as teachers we see instances of plagiarism, free riding or other inappropriate behavior among the students. In this session, together with the students, we define expectations regarding academic integrity and provide insight into the possible (technical and educational) interventions that help us achieve our integrity goals.

    Kris Stabel
  • Serious gaming in education: lessons from Health Care Management 

    By Jan-Willem Weenink (ESHPM)

    In 2018, we developed a serious game on safety and security management in hospitals for our master Health Care Management. Our aim was to let students experience the things we teach them about in real-life situations. We transferred the game to an online setting in 2021 to make it pandemic-proof. In this session, we'll give you an impression of the game and we share our lessons learned about serious gaming in education and differences between offline and online gaming. 

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