DIT Day 2023

EUR 2043: Imagining the University of the Future
Header EUR 2024: imagining the future
Tuesday 6 Jun 2023, 11:30 - 18:00
Spoken Language
Q Building
Campus Woudestein
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Header EUR 2024: imagining the future

Imagine we had twenty years to shape a better university. What could EUR look like in the year 2043? And what would we have to do today to make those futures a reality?

Most of us believe that Erasmus University should help address the complex challenges of our times, facilitate cooperation across disciplines and sectors, and help students and staff develop open and critical minds.  

It's easy to point to the ways in which our current system is not living up to those ideals (see here) — but how can we set it on a new, brighter direction? What could our university become? 
At this free event, we will explore a diversity of visions for the university of 2043. 

You can expect a full program of expert panels and interactive workshops, inviting all who attend to scan the horizons of academia together and imagine bold new futures.  

This event is organized by the Design Impact Transition (DIT) Platform. It is the second edition of our annual DIT Day. Read more about last year's event here.


Registration EUR 2043: Imagining the University of the Future

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Practical information

We’ll gather on Tuesday 6th of June 2023 at the DIT office at Erasmus University. You can register for this event using the registration form at the bottom of the page.

Please note: 

  • Our programme kicks off at 11:30. Around 13:00 we’ll serve a light, sustainable and free lunch. We end with a borrel and say goodbye around 18:00.
  • You're welcome to join us anytime during the day, or to come and go in-between sessions. But please note that we have designed a colorful, fun programme and encourage you to be with us the entire time.



11:30 - 12:00Arrival & networking
12:00-12:05Welcome by Prof. Dr Derk Loorbach
12:05 - 12:50

Welcome and opening speech by Jennie C. Stephens, feminist, scholar-activist, writer, social-justice advocate and professor of sustainability, science and policy at Northeastern University in Boston 

The Climate Justice University 

12:50 - 13:00Workshop Carousel 
13:00 - 13:45 The Edible University: light and sustainable lunch & live music
13:45 - 15:15

Workshop round 1 

  • The Transdisciplinary University with Dr. Julia Wittmayer & Femke Coops
  • The Reparative University with Dr. Sanne Koevoets
  • The Holistic University with Dr. Ana Vasques
  • The Inclusive University with Dr. Mariangela Lavanga, Prof. Dr. Arjo Klamer, Dr. Lyudmila Petrova 
15:15 - 15:30Tea & coffee break
15:30 - 16:30

Workshop round 2

  • The Fluid University with Prof. Dr. Kees Dorst & Femke Coops
  • The Immersive University with Tamara de Groot
  • The 4-day University with José L. Gallegos-Quezada
  • The Regenerative University with Bas van den Berg, Frank Evers & Dr. Guido Stompff
16:30 - 17:15

Summative panel with Prof. Dr Kees Dorst, Prof. Dr Jennie Stephens, Angelica Vannucci and Rachel Williams 

The Future University 

17:15 - 17:30 

Artist showcase & closing reflection

The Creative and Reflective University 

17:30 - 18:30 

Drinks & Live Music by the Erasmus Music Collective 

The Festive University 


The Full Programme

Attached herewith is the full and detailed programme of the DIT Day 2023. 


The DIT office is located at Erasmus University Rotterdam, Campus Woudestein. 

Burgemeester Oudlaan 50 
3062 PA Rotterdam 

You find our building between the university library and the old sports building. It’s painted yellow! 


The Q building on Erasmus Woudestein campus is wheelchair accessible. Parking is available nearby. An elevator and stairs can take you to floors one and two inside the building. There is also a gender-neutral toilet on the second floor of the space. Free tap water is available (if you can, please bring your own reusable bottle). The venue is also well-lit, and you may use electrical outlets to use laptops and adaptive devices.

For more information please check the accessibility description of EUR campus here and feel free to contact dit@eur.nl for specifications if you would like to know more.

Header EUR 2024: imagining the future
More information

About the Design Impact Transition (DIT) platform 
DIT is a strategic initiative of Erasmus University Rotterdam. We create infrastructures for more transformative academic work at EUR and beyond. Read more here, and follow us on LinkedIn and subscribe to our newsletter. 

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