DIT DAY 2022 – Imagining Science for Change

An academic event on how academia can be(come) a force for positive change in tackling today’s societal challenges
Thursday 2 Jun 2022, 12:00 - 17:00
Q Building
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Ernst Wagensveld

On the DIT day 2022 we come together to discuss and learn about science for change. How can we tackle some of today’s most pressing societal challenges? And how can science become a force for positive change in doing so? We invite all researchers, teachers, students, alumni and other interested people to join us during the DIT day and imagine what academia could look like in the future!

At DIT we believe that researchers, educators and students have an important role to play in tackling today’s societal challenges. However, translating scientific knowledge to a societal context is not always easy. It requires another attitude to the role that science plays in society. And it requires a different way of approaching societal challenges: in a more design-based manner, looking ahead to what transitions we want to accelerate.

The DIT DAY is an opportunity for you to learn about and engage with how academia can impact the inclusive and sustainable future we strive for. By participating in interactive and creative workshops where we discuss our experiences in achieving an inclusive and sustainable future. By learning from scientists and societal stakeholders how they envision that science can contribute to change. And by connecting with colleagues across the EUR in jointly making and playing the DIT rhythm, enjoying drinks and Jack Bean snacks and dancing to the music of DJ Lidwine.


We kick off the programme with workshops where we zoom in on specific societal challenges and discuss what a sustainable and just future means in practice. Can you imagine what your dinner or your wardrobe looks like in 20 years? How businesses of the future operate in a sustainable way? Or how transformative leaders of the future will be educated? After imagining what a just and sustainable future looks like, we turn towards reflection. How can researchers, educators and students contribute to making these transitions happen?

In the afternoon we come together for a panel conversation on the role of science in tackling complex societal challenges. Over the past decades scientists have gathered substantive evidence on the nature and causes of societal challenges, such as climate change, inequality and biodiversity loss.  However, all this scientific knowledge is not easily translated into daily practice and societal change. On the one hand, universities tend to be stuck in a mode of knowledge production that rarely leads to transition and societal change. On the other hand, practitioners tend to have difficulties in finding and applying scientific knowledge into their daily transition practices. In a world that is increasingly faced with complex problems, can and should science take on a different role?

You can download the full programme booklet below.

12:00-13:00Walk-in with lunch
13:00-13:30Opening by Talitha Muusse & Prof Derk Loorbach
15:00-15:30Coffee & tea break
15:30-16:30Panel conversation with Dr Josephine Chambers, Prof Carola Hein, Dr Julia Wittmayer and Dr Tessa Cramer
16:30-17:00Closing by Talitha Muusse & Prof Derk Loorbach
17:00-19:00Drinks outside the Q building, with music & Jack Bean snacks


Download the programme booklet here


  • Prof Carola Hein

    Professor of History of Architecture and Urban Planning (Leiden-Delft-Erasmus)

  • Picture of Julia Wittmayer
    Dr Julia Wittmayer

    Assistant Professor & DIT Academic (Erasmus University, DRIFT/ESSB)

  • Dr Josephine Chambers

    Assistant Professor (Urban Futures Studio, Utrecht University)

  • Dr Tessa Cramer

    Lector Designing the future (Fontys Academy for Creative Industries, Tilburg)


Signing up

It is not possible to sign up any more, but if you still want to join the DIT DAY you are free to join us at the Q building from 12:00 onwards!

Questions? Send us an email

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