Listening to Undergraduate Students' Voice: Navigating Feedback Cultures and Climates

CLI Lunch & Learn
Birds view photo of Woudestein campus with the Rotterdam skyline in the background.

During this CLI Lunch & Learn, you will learn more about the interesting educational innovations and research taking place at Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) and beyond. During this edition, Sam Passeport will delve into undergraduate students’ experiences with feedback, focusing on the dynamics of feedback cultures and climates in higher education.

Thursday 17 Apr 2025, 12:00 - 13:00
Spoken Language
Education Lab
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Free (including lunch)

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This interactive session delves into undergraduate students' experiences with feedback in higher education, offering a critical and immersive exploration of feedback cultures and climates. We begin with an audio experience, amplifying authentic student voices to invite participants into the realities of feedback reception. Next, we unpack the double duty of feedback—balancing learning and accountability—within the context of the neoliberalised university, where assessment cultures send conflicting messages to students. Participants will engage with research findings on feedback climates, gaining insights into how students perceive and respond (or not) to feedback, and the need to consider underlying reasons (such as structural issues of design). Finally, through hands-on exploration of feedback tools and professional bricolage, we will discuss creative and autonomous ways for educators to enhance their professional judgment and foster meaningful feedback practices.


Sam Passeport

Sam Passeport

Sam is an Instructional Designer at Tilburg University, and a fourth-year Professional Postgraduate Candidate in Education at the University of Dundee (online and part-time). She's currently writing her doctoral thesis, which investigates how undergraduate students experience the feedback they receive from teachers. Until recently, Sam worked at the EUR programme ErasmusX as an Education Development Officer.

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More information

Date: Thursday 17 April 2025
Time: 12:00 - 13:00 (doors open at 11:45)
Location: Erasmus Education Lab - Campus Woudestein
Entrance: free (including lunch)

Colleagues and students from ISS, EMC, or EUC can request online participation by sending an email to 

Organised by the Community for Learning & Innovation

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