Alternative assessment & formative feedback strategies

CLI Lunch & Learn
Campus woudestein in summer

During this CLI Lunch & Learn, you will learn more about the interesting educational innovations and research taking place at Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) and beyond. During this edition, dr. Dimitrios Vlachopoulus (RSM) will discuss innovative, evidence-informed assessment and feedback strategies that empower students in their learning. 

Thursday 12 Jun 2025, 12:00 - 13:00
Spoken Language
Education Lab
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Free (including lunch)

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Are you looking for effective ways to move beyond traditional exams and enhance student learning through meaningful assessment? Join us for an engaging session on ā€œAlternative Assessment and Formative Feedback Strategiesā€, where we will explore innovative, evidence-informed approaches that can be easily implemented across disciplines. Based on a systematic literature review, this session will introduce practical strategies to foster deeper learning and share insights from the Alternative Assessment and Formative Feedback Toolkit. Gain valuable guidance on integrating these approaches into your teaching and empowering students to take ownership of their learning. Donā€™t miss this opportunity to transform assessment into a tool for studentsā€™ growth!


Dimitrios Vlachopoulos

dr. Dimitrios Vlachopoulos

Dimitrios Vlachopoulos (he/him) is an Associate Professor of Management Education at the Department of Technology and Operations Management (Innovation Management Section). Dr. Vlachopoulos holds a PhD in Distance Education and Instructional Technology from the Department of Research Methods of the University of Barcelona. Additionally, he holds six masterā€™s degrees in the field of education sciences and business administration. His research focuses on new emerging pedagogies, evidence-based and sustainable innovation in management education, digital transformation of higher education, quality assurance, change management, technology use & wellbeing and teachersā€™ training.

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More information

Date: Thursday 12 June 2025
Time: 12:00 - 13:00 (doors open at 11:45)
Location: Erasmus Education Lab - Campus Woudestein
Entrance: free (including lunch)

Colleagues and students from ISS, EMC, or EUC can request online participation by sending an email to

Organised by the Community for Learning & Innovation

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