Aviation Economics

Lecture on Thursday 14 April

Aviation economist Floris de Haan will talk about the economy of aviation on 14 April. In this lecture, he will tell more about the functioning of the global aviation industry and discusses the challenges the industry faces.

Floris de Haan
Thursday 14 Apr 2022, 15:30 - 16:30
Spoken Language
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These challenges are related to the greening of aviation and the recovery of the sector after the COVID-19 pandemic, but also the dynamics of air cargo and the regulation of airports.

Because aviation affects almost everyone, there is a lot of applied research to be done, for example into the effects of a regional tax on aviation fuel, or the voluntary compensation of CO2”, Floris explains.

Floris de Haan

As a senior aviation researcher, Floris de Haan focuses on complex issues facing the aviation industry. He advises governments, airlines, airports and other parties active in aviation. As a teacher at Erasmus School of Economics, he teaches the course Air Transport Economics. He also supervises bachelor and master students in their graduation process.

Would you like to know more about the research of Floris, please check this articles:


Thursday 14 april 2021
15:30 – 16:30 
CT-1, Theil building


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