Information on COVID-19 and EUC

Our university’s response to COVID-19

EUC aligns with the policies of Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) in ensuring the well-being of our community and continued delivery of quality education for our student body. We ask that you refer to EUR’s COVID-19 portal for the latest and most comprehensive information.

EUC’s community-specific updates

Since March 2020, our community has found new ways to study, contribute, and have fun. Follow us on social media for more stories.

    • ECLAS Lecture series kicked off with "Dancing with a virus: towards an adaptive management" by Roland Bal, full professor at Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management, Health Care Governance (HCG),  on the 15th of October, 2020. Stay tuned and get inspired, check our lecture series overview.
    • In order to fully exploit its potential, EUC founded the Erasmus Center for Liberal Arts and Sciences (ECLAS) to provide a solid basis for continuous improvement of multi-, inter-, and transdisciplinary education and research on a wide range of subjects. Read more about ECLAS.
    • August 23-27: Introduction programme for new students - for safety reasons it was held primarily online or in very small groups for a limited amount of events. The students explored our college facilities and the city of Rotterdam. For more, check our Instagram or read the this article on Erasmus Magazine.
    • August 21: Our first ever virtual Graduation Ceremony for the Class of 2020 took place with celebratory speeches, music performances and a keynote address by Sir Tim Smit of the Eden Project in Cornwall. You can watch a recording of the event here. Congratulations to all!
    • June 15: our campus is gradually reopening. If you are a staff member or a current student, log in to MyEUR and follow the specific guidelines.
    • When our campus closed, we transferred all courses and teaching online. To get a glimpse of how this has been going, check out what our students have shared about online education and studying from home.
    • June 14: Tisha Hupkes (Class of 2016) shares her view on environmental and social issues through the lens of her student experience in Sweden in corona times.
Lecturer in economics

Strange times, but not all bad

Strange times, but not all bad

We are very proud of how our academics, students, and staff have made sure EUC stays EUC, despite social distancing during COVID-19. We can’t wait to be face to face again but in the meantime we’re proud of how our community has experimented, evolved, and found new ways to connect during these “strange times.”

An update from EUC during Corona – April 16 2020

Thinking about the ‘new normal’ - 16 April 2020

EUC dean Gabriele Jacobs has a message to students, staff, and friends of EUC after our first weeks learning to live with—and continue to educate, inspire, and connect during—the Corona virus.

The Measures Taken at EUC during the Coronavirus Outbreak - 18 March 2020

Our dean prof. Gabriele Jacobs explains about the efforts of EUC to continue offering high quality education during the coronavirus outbreak despite the cancellation of on-campus education.

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