During the opening of the academic year, the Education Prize was awarded to... all EUR teachers!
The award was given in appreciation of their tremendous commitment to digitalising education during the COVID-19 crisis. Thanks to all their efforts, and huge efforts of the support staff as well, the EUR was able to rapidly bring education online at the start of the corona crisis. Unfortunately, coronavirus-related restrictions will continue to apply to the university for some time.
The new academic year has started with a mix of online and on-campus education, or so called: hybrid education. This has meant a lot of effort for the lecturers as well.
A few responses from EUR lecturers on their prize:
“Teaching is definitely more fun when being appreciated by students!” - Richard van Kleef (ESHPM)
"The Education Prize rewards the fact that we made online education work, yet as this quote from one of my students underscores perhaps we should be careful in celebrating it too much: “The online pedagogy was well structured within the given situation. But in general online classes is not something I enjoyed.” - Roy Huijsmans (ISS)
"A lot of teachers have worked very hard to adapt their courses to the new situation. It's nice to know students acknowledge and appreciate these efforts." - Erik de Kloe (ESL)
“As teachers we can affect students’ sense of belonging in higher education” – Marieke Meeuwisse (ESSB)
Watch the video with students' responses to the Prize: