Senior Lecturer
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Working days: Monday - Friday
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Christian van der Veeke (1980) is senior lecturer in the Humanities at Erasmus University College, part of Erasmus University Rotterdam. He has taught courses on Hegel’s practical philosophy (BA) and the history and philosophy of the Humanities (MA) at the Faculty of Philosophy of the EUR. Currently he is teaching on the (social and politicl) history and philosophy of Modernity and Late Modernity, and on the work of Jacques Rancière.
Christian received his doctorate in philosophy spring 2013. His dissertation is concerned with post-foundational critical philosophy and a post-foundational account of democracy. In his Phd-thesis he establishes a dialectical relation -without synthesis- between deliberative democracy (Habermas, Benhabib, Bohman) and radical and plural democracy (Laclau and Mouffe, Rancière, Abensour) on the basis of the political and social differences that can be found in the works of Hegel, Schmitt, Ricoeur, Lefort and Rancière.
Christian’s areas of expertise are: Hegel’s practical philosophy, 20th and 21st century continental political and social thought, deliberative and radical democracy, the methodology of the humanities and the social sciences, post-structuralism, neo- and post-Marxist thought, and Critical Theory. His main interests are in the writings of Kant, Hegel, Marx, Foucault, Habermas, Žižek, Laclau, and Rancière.
Previously, Christian studied philosophy at Erasmus University Rotterdam and received his master's degree in 2007. His master thesis ‘Heimwee van de filosofie. Een analyse en evaluatie van de wijsgerige toepassing van vervreemding’ (‘Home Sickness of Philosophy. An Analysis and Evaluation of the Philosophical Use of Alienation.’) was awarded the Leo Polak thesis price in 2009, a nationwide award for the best master thesis in the field of the humanities.
Besides his interests in philosophy Christian is a big fan of cinema and quality tv-series, and 19th and 20th century classical music.