Senior Lecturer

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Working days: Monday – Friday
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Chris Muller obtained an MSc in Biology at Utrecht University in 2003, specializing in neuroscience. During the MSc, he spent one year at University College London working on perceptual psychophysics of motion detection. His subsequent PhD thesis (at Erasmus University Rotterdam and VU University) was entitled "Uncertainty" and was about testing models of statistically optimal cue integration for 3D vision using human psychophysics. The PhD was completed in 2008. From 2009-2013 Muller was a post-doc researcher at the Institute for Psychoacoustics and Electronic Music at Ghent University. Research topics included interpersonal synchronization, cognitive load, agency and action perception coupling and adaptation. During the post-doc research, Muller also taught at two Systematic Musicology summer schools at Jyvaskyla University in Finland.
At EUC since 2013, Muller is a senior lecturer for the Life Sciences department and is responsible for coordination of the courses Systematic Musicology, Computer Science M, Computer Science P, Genes, Brain & Society, and Neuroscience.