Testimonial Nikoleta Gehrmann

Now, having gone through the programme, I can tell that it was the best choice. As a graduate, I do not have only theoretical knowledge about clinical psychology but learned important skills for assessment and therapy.

Nikoleta Gehrmann

Alumna Clinical Psychology - Psychotherapist trainee

The world of psychology can seem like a jungle and it can be challenging to find the best programme. The descriptions on the university web pages can look good, but in the end, it is impossible to tell in advance, which programme will be the right one. At EUR, I liked the good balance between theoretical and practical courses. Now, having gone through the programme, I can tell that it was the best choice. As a graduate, I do not have only theoretical knowledge about clinical psychology but learned important skills for assessment and therapy.

I also enjoyed the diversity of the courses - we learned about the most impactful mental health conditions and we did it in a very client-centred, human way. I enjoyed interviews with experts by experience and the fresh new look at mental health and therapy. We had lectures about stigma on several occasions and were invited to understand how we can help to stop it.

Old views on psychology and psychiatry got challenged and I feel I have a good base to become a clinician that can make things better. I also enjoyed the opportunity to look at my own biases and consider how they could affect my work as a clinician. My favourite subject was Personality Disorders. It allowed me to look into psychodynamic theories which I always felt drawn to and I enjoyed the assignment that allowed us to take a look at our own schemas.

The practicals were great as well - we did a lot of role games, learned how to deal with some difficult conversations with clients and it was also a good opportunity to socialize with other students. My favourite practical was Couple Therapy and Sexuality, because it was a subject I would usually not look into and it allowed me to realize how important sexuality is in our lives and the lives of our clients, and also how we always need to keep in mind the many cultural backgrounds that our clients will have. The course coordinators were very helpful and approachable and always seemed to care about us as human beings. I also liked how the university created many opportunities to socialize and get in touch with other students. That was helpful because I’m an introvert and sometimes need a small nudge to get moving socially! 

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