Kalliopi Kyriaki Dilaveraki

Klinische Psychologie alumna Kalliopi-Kyriaki Dilaveraki
What I found particularly exciting about following this MSc was that our professors were not only distinguished academics and (some of them) experienced clinicians, but they were also very good teachers.

Kalliopi Kyriaki Dilaveraki

Alumna Clinical Psychology - Youth care worker at Altius ABA

I had a wonderful experience following the MSc in Clinical Psychology at Erasmus University.

The content of the courses was intriguing; it was up to date with recent research findings and dived deep into many topics that are very relevant in helping adults who are experiencing psychological challenges. What is more, the professors would encourage us to keep a critical stance toward the status quo in psychological clinical practice and strive for better treatment methods and outcomes. During the tutorial sessions, we combined theoretical knowledge and professional skills to practice with role-playing scenarios and case studies.

What I found particularly exciting about following the MSc in Clinical Psychology at Erasmus University was that our professors were not only distinguished academics and (some of them) experienced clinicians, but they were also very good teachers; involved, inspiring, and always open to questions. Not only I obtained valuable knowledge from them, but also had the chance to talk to some of them after the lectures, share my carrier interests or concerns with them and get helpful feedback.

I started my Master's during the COVID pandemic, which means that I unfortunately never enjoyed the campus life at Erasmus University. Nevertheless, I found that the university reacted quickly to the pandemic developments and provided very good quality online education, and an online support and entertainment environment which certainly helped in successfully complete my studies despite the challenges of the pandemic.

The pandemic made it also more difficult to find a clinical internship. Nevertheless, our professors and internship coordinators responded quickly to our call for assistance in finding an internship; they could not provide us with quick solutions, of course, but they offered good advice and alternatives.

I recommend the MSc in Clinical Psychology at Erasmus University, as a way to enrich your knowledge in the field and effectively prepare for the great adventure of being a psychologist!

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