Social security and labour market

  • prof. dr. Menno Fenger

    Institutions in social security

    Menno Fenger is the driving force behind the research into personal services. In addition, he is concerned with the relationship between customer-friendly implementation and combating fraud.


    Menno Fenger
  • prof. dr. Romke van der Veen

    Institutions of social protection: health care, social security and labour market policy

    Design and implementation of social protection institutions. Intended and unintended social consequences of these institutions.

    Foto van Romke van der Veen
  • prof. dr. Godfried Engbersen

    Poverty and insecurity, position of self-employed workers

    Godfried Engbersen looks into the camera.
    ©WRR / Fotograaf: Arenda Oomen
  • dr. Philip Karré

    Hybrid organisations, social entrepreneurship, social innovation

    Philip Karré researches hybrid organisations and hybrid forms of control. In recent years, he has focused on social enterprise and other forms of social innovation.

    Philip Karre
  • dr. Adria Albareda

    Participation of citizens and interest groups in public policies

    Adrià Albareda conducts research on the involvement of interest groups and citizens in public policy. Currently, he is researching the effects of social security systems on the political participation of citizens.

    Adria Albareda
  • dr. Agnieszka Kanas

    Economic disadvantage and integration of immigrants, public policy, prejudice and discrimination between groups

    Agnieszka Kanas conducts research on the labour market position of vulnerable groups, in particular migrants. She is particularly interested in how individual resources and institutions interact and how this affects ethnic and gender inequality in Europe's labour market.

  • dr. Dragos Ciulinaru

    Work integration policies, inequality, and exclusion on the labor market

    I study work integration social entrepreneurs, their governance and role on the labor market. My research has as focus the work integration policies and the social entrepreneurs in the Rotterdam area.

  • Robin Simonse, MSc

    Municipal reintegration policy for long-term job-seekers

    Robin Simonse's PhD project focuses on how municipalities can best help long-term job-seekers find their way back to the labour market as quickly as possible. Using action research in which all parts of the reintegration policy are involved (from the municipality's organisation to the needs of job-seekers), we try to improve the current service.

  • Sanne van der Valk, MSc

    Labour market participation of citizens with a large distance to the labour market through Frequent, Intensive and Personal (FIP) customer contact with reintegration counsellors.

    Sanne van der Valk is conducting her PhD research on the effects of frequent, intensive and personal (FIP) customer contacts between reintegration counsellors and citizens with a large distance to the labour market. The focus is on mapping the effects on participation and the intervention's active ingredients (through field experiments and interviews).

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