Migration and diversity policy
What are we researching?
How do societies deal with migration and migration-related diversity? With this research theme, we aim to understand better the dynamics of migration and diversity policies at various policy levels (local, regional, national, European, international) and from a comparative perspective. Central topics include:
- Labour migration policy within the EU
- Inclusion policies for refugees and other types of migrants
- Relationship between climate change and migration
- The role of different actors in policy processes (including governments, officials involved in policymaking, civil society organisations, citizens, NGOs)
- Relationship between research and policy in migration and diversity
- Knowledge development on the quality of policy processes
Why are we doing this research?
Policies on migration and migration-related diversity represent one of the most complex and intractable policy topics of our time. Globalisation, increasing mobility, and diversification raise many practical and theoretical questions:
- How are groups classified (when is someone a migrant)?
- How do persons and individuals interact and acquire a position in a new society (what do societies mean by cohesion or integration or emancipation)?
- How are policies at different levels coordinated (is there multilevel governance)?
How are we doing this research?
We investigate these themes mostly through international comparative research. We use various methods such as policy analysis, policy evaluation and network analyses.
How does our research make an impact?
This research theme contributes to developing a theory on migration and diversity policy. At the same time, it also contributes to policy and governance in these areas. How do you evaluate policy? How do you make policy more interactive? And how do you increase the quality of the policy process? In addition, with our research, we want to contribute to the lively social debate around these policy themes.
From our research group, we direct two crucial networks:
- IMISCOE: Europe's largest academic research network in the field of migration research, coordinated by this group from 2014 onwards
- LDE Centre Governance of Migration and Diversity: Research centre in which scientists of Leiden University, Delft University of Technology and Erasmus University Rotterdam collaborate on issues concerning the Governance of Migration and Diversity.
In addition, we generate impact from this theme through education. The (international, multi-disciplinary) Master's in Governance of Migration and Diversity focuses on educating and training students who will play a role in the practice of migration and diversity policy.