Playing with Complexity in an Infrastructural Environment

Kruispunt en waterpartij van bovenaf gezien
  • prof. dr. ir. Marcel Hertogh

    Design and management

    Research on integrated design and management of large (infrastructural) programmes.


  • prof. dr. Arwin van Buuren

    Governance design, comparative case study research, professional advice (public policy & management).

    Complex decision-making in chains and networks of governments, citizens, businesses and knowledge institutions.

  • prof. dr. Jurian Edelenbos

    Interactive urban governance and Academic Director of the Erasmus Initiative Vital Cities and Citizens.

    Research on community initiatives and administrative networks.

    Portret Jurian Edelenbos
  • prof. dr. ir. Geert Teisman

    Managing Complex Issues

    Research in the following fields: urban management and planning, integrated water management and sustainable energy.

  • Researchers TU Delft, Resilient Delta and DIMI (TU Delft Deltas Infrastructures and Mobility Initiative)

    prof. dr. ing. Carola Hein

    prof. dr. ir. Arjan van Timmeren

    prof. dr. ir. Chris Zevenbergen

    prof. dr. Ellen van Bueren

    prof. dr. Martin de Jong

    prof. dr. Frank van Oort

    dr. ir. Nikki Brand

    dr. ir. Fransje Hooimeijer

    dr. ir. Jos Timmermans


    They can be contacted via 


    kaart van regio Rotterdam

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