The cubicles are small, special soundproof areas to minimise sounds from outside. The areas are simply designed with a computer screen, keyboard and mouse in which participants are separated from each other. The cubicles are used to test many participants at the same time in a controlled environment, where the influence of externals sounds is minimised.
All the cubicles can be controlled from one central control room, without interrupting the experiment. From the control room, the researcher can start research tasks or give instructions. The research leader can watch with the participants to see how the test is progressing without disrupting the research measurement.
In the cubicles, solo experiments can be performed, but experiments are also performed in which participants work together or play or compete against each other. In the cubicles, a wide range of tests are conducted, from questionnaires to experiments to measure response times.
It is possible to enable software to communicate between the cubicles. This means that researchers can also study the group dynamics in decision-making.
Cubicles Specs
- The EBL has 28 cubicles available, divided into three sections. Two sections of 8 cubicles and two sections of 6 cubicles.
- Specially constructed soundproof areas with an attenuation of 42 Db in relation to the surroundings.
- Control room with 4 control computers to control the different sections, enabling several researchers to do research at the same time.
- Access to the use of a webcam in both 8-cubicle sections, to enable participants to work together or to communicate with the test leader.
- Several respondents can receive the same or different instructions at the same time.
- Special software with a range of options to install, start, stop and monitor research tasks on the computers, and to remotely adjust computer settings.
- Data can be collected centrally or remotely retrieved retrospectively from all the systems with a simple operation via the central control systems.
- Researchers can run their own services in the cubicle lab.