
How to find the EBL

You will find the EBL on the 12th floor of the Mandeville Building. You can only access the EBL via the south side of the Mandeville Building. Take the escalator from the main entrance to the 3rd floor and walk straight on to the back of the building. Take the elevator to the 12th floor and follow the signs to EBL. 

Contact us

Do you have a specific question? Don't hesitate to contact us! Fill in the form below. Or contact one of our team members directly. You can find our contact information at the bottom of this page. You can also send us an email: 

Visit our EBL wiki for more information and contact details for specific questions.

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EBL team

  • Christiaan Tieman

    Senior research support
    Experiment design
    Electrotechnical engineer
    Laboratory manager
    kamer T12-36

  • Sharon Singh

    Laboratory research assistant
    MSc Brain and cognition
    kamer T12-38


  • Marcel Boom

    Software developer
    Experiment design
    IT engineer
    kamer T12-34

  • Michel Looije

    IT support
    All-round lab technician
    kamer T12-34

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