LW (Lysanne) te Brinke


Lysanne te Brinke is an Assistant Professor at the Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences of Erasmus University Rotterdam. Her research focuses on understanding how the interplay between inter-personal and inter-societal experiences and expectations may leads to adaptive (i.e., community engagement, contributing to society) and maladaptive outcomes (i.e., displaying antisocial behavior, feeling excluded from society). She recently received an individual VENI grant (NWO) to examine how adolescents can become agents of change, by zooming on contributions to close others and contributions to the broader society.


As lead of the transdisciplinary Healthy Start ambition youth participation and involvement (https://convergence.nl/nl/healthy-start/youth-participation-and-involve…), she involves the perspective of multiple stakeholders in her work (i.e., Living Lab approaches). Lysanne is also co-leader of the YoungXperts platform for youth participation in research. This platform uses a transdisciplinary perspective to integrate voices and opinions of youth in research. As part of this program, she regularly organizes co-creation sessions with adolescents, young adults, teachers, and youth workers. 


With the YoungXperts team, Lysanne was awarded an NWA Science Communication and Translation Grant for a 2-year continuation of the YoungXperts program, and a societal engagement award from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. As president of the Early Researchers Union of the European Association of Developmental Psychology, she furthermore strives to represent a new generation of early career researchers.

Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Assistant professor | Clinical Psychology


  • Lysanne te Brinke (2021) - European Association of Developmental Psychology (External organisation) (Chair)
    Activity: Membership of board Academic
  • Miranda Lutz, Sjoerd van Halem, Lilly Bogicevic, Isabel ten Bokkel, Lysanne te Brinke, Lisan Hendricks, Loes Janssen, Amanda van Loon, Esther Mertens, Ana da Silva Pinho & Scarlett Slagter (2019) - Vereniging Nederlandse Ontwikkelingspsychologie (VNOP) en Children and Adolescent Studies (CAS) Research days 2019 (Organiser)
    Activity: Organising and contributing to an event Academic

  • SW (Suzanne) van de Groep, EAM (Eveline) Crone, LW (Lysanne) te Brinke, KH (Kayla) Green, LWP (Renske) van der Cruijsen & FQ (Fabienne) van Rossenberg (2022) - NWA Science Communication Grant: Youth participation as a way to deal with a triple crisis
  • Lysanne te Brinke, Gamze Er Vargun & Michaela Gummerum (2022) - Collaboration Grant from the European Association of Developmental Psychology
  • Michelle Achterberg, Lysanne te Brinke & Miranda Lutz (2022) - Dragon's Den Seed Fund
  • KH (Kayla) Green, LW (Lysanne) te Brinke & LWP (Renske) van der Cruijsen (2021) - Collaborative funding from the RIVM and the Dutch ministry of Health, Welfare, and Sports

RINO groep

Start date approval
January 2025
End date approval
January 2028
Docent KP-KJ Praktijkonderzoek

4.3P Cognitive therapy

Course Code

3.3 Local to Global Project

Course Code

News regarding LW (Lysanne) te Brinke

Young people show more interest in specific political subjects than in Dutch politics

Research by SYNC Lab shows that 50% of young people find certain political topics fascinating, but only 30% are interested in Dutch politics.

Veni grants for two ESSB researchers

Researches on social rejection and youth well-being by Michelle Achterberg & Young people as agents of change by Lysanne te Brinke
Lopende jeugd

Twelve Veni grants for Rotterdam researchers

Twelve scientists from Erasmus University Rotterdam and Erasmus MC will receive Veni funding from the NWO to further develop their research ideas.
Sunny day on campus Woudestein.

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