prof.dr. LGMT (Loes) Keijsers


Loes is Professor in Clinical Child and Family Studies at the Department of Psychology, Education and Child Studies. She is intrigued by the lives and relationships of teenagers, and how parents can optimally contribute to their child's positive development, mental health and well-being, despite their decreasing authority. Most likely, there is not a single answer to this question, as every child - and every family - is a unique dynamical system. To know what works for whom, Loes aims at empirically tapping into this heterogeneity of developmental processes, by relying on advanced methodological approaches. For instance, to obtain a 'photoalbum' of mood swings in the daily lives of teens, apps on mobile phones are used (i.e., Experience Sampling Methods). As theoretical inferences are only as good as our statistical models, Loes loves to keep up with and teach about statistical developments. To generate impact from these theoretical insights, Loes undertakes active efforts to implement research into practice (e.g., developing and implementing e-health applications to detect and prevent adolescent depression; TEDx speaker; Universiteit van Nederland). Also, Loes has written a book for the general public about the intriguing behaviors of teens: Waarom tieners zo irritant kunnen zijn. En hoe je daar als ouder mee kunt leren leven, 2013. Doing this, Loes aims at contributing to better health and well-being of future generations, by empirically studying the daily lives of teens and by collaborating interdisciplinary and transdisciplinairy to translate scientific knowledge into e-health tools and serious games.   Website: [] Twitter: EUR_ADAPT 


Tejo Nederland

Start date approval
December 2023
End date approval
December 2026
Wetenschapelijk advies

De Nieuwste School

Start date approval
January 2025
End date approval
January 2028
Lid Wetenschappelijke adviesraad


Start date approval
January 2025
End date approval
January 2028
Lid programmaraad

4.5 Thesis Pedagogical Sciences

Course Code

News regarding prof.dr. LGMT (Loes) Keijsers

Vici research grant for Loes Keijsers for research how to improve conversations with adolescents

Prestigious Vici research grant for research how to improve conversations with adolescents
Loes Keijsers

Doing research in 2024: faster and more promising than ever, but also more intensive

Professors Arnold Bakker and Loes Keijsers reflect on how doing research has changed over the years, from photocopying journals to diary studies on smartphones.
Three students conduct research on computers in the university library around 1980s.

'Ann Masten views the world from a child's needs'

Professor Ann Masten will receive an honorary doctorate at the 109th dies natalis for her research on resilience in young people and families.

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