Creativity expert Kim van Broekhoven receives a Veni grant from NWO

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Foto van Kim van Broekhoven

Creativity expert Dr. Kim van Broekhoven from Erasmus University Rotterdam has been awarded a Veni grant of 320,000 euros by NWO (Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research). She will investigate how students develop creative ideas in co-creation with ChatGPT, and with this knowledge, she will design and test instructional support that integrates ChatGPT into creativity techniques.

Beyond brainstorming: Unleashing creativity in higher education with ChatGPT

Developing creativity in higher education is crucial to solving complex societal challenges (such as climate change). Although creativity techniques, such as brainstorming or analogical thinking, have been developed to support the creative thinking process, they often place too heavy a cognitive burden on students. ChatGPT, a Large Language Model, can provide students with creative examples. This project first investigates how students develop creative ideas in co-creation with ChatGPT. I will design and test instructional support that integrates ChatGPT into creativity techniques based on this newly acquired knowledge. This project is a game changer in our understanding of the development of creativity in higher education through ChatGPT.

About Kim van Broekhoven

Creativity expert Kim van Broekhoven received her PhD from Maastricht University in 2020. She conducted part of her research at the University of South Australia, and had an appointment as a Postdoctoral Researcher at Radboud University. At Erasmus University Rotterdam she is a researcher at the Department of Psychology, Educational Sciences and Pedagogical Sciences. She has received several prestigious awards and grants for her groundbreaking research, which has a major impact on educational practice.

More information

Marjolein Kooistra, communication ESSB, 0683676038,

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