Cedo Nulli’s successful performance at the National Model United Nations (NMUN)

Delegations of study association Cedo Nulli and Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) have  been granted five awards at the National Model United Nations (NMUN) Conference in New York. The awards included  the prestigious ‘Outstanding Delegation Award’, an exceptional prize which is given  to the top 10% of best performing delegations that participate in the conference. Furthermore, the delegation has also won four ‘Outstanding Position Paper Awards’. The papers that have been granted these awards belong to the top 10 % of best papers of each committee.

The Cedo Nulli & EUR delegation have participated  for 11 years in the NMUN conference in New York. Each year, they try to raise the bar. This year, they won the prestigious ‘Outstanding Delegation Award’ for the fourth consecutive year. It is the first time the award has been granted four years in a row. The achievement is truly remarkable and historical.  

About NMUN
At the NMUN conference 6.500 students who belong to over 133 different nationalities simulate  the different procedures and operating systems of the United Nations in the heart of New York. During a five-day conference, 23 different committees discuss various topics such as the impact of pollution on marine life, empowering woman to combat food insecurity or addressing climate migration and cross-border disaster displacement. To conference is concluded by a closing ceremony during which all students gather in the General Assembly hall of the UN headquarter. On this historical ground, those granted an award receive their prize before they return home.
Prior to the conference, , the Cedo Nulli delegation is trained by a variety of experts in the field of diplomacy and debating skills for a couple of months at Erasmus University .

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