Pauline Jansen in Trouw about her research on autism and eating behaviour
Willemijn van Eldik about her research on quarrelling parents and the development of children.
Interview with Ruth Van der Hallen by Radio Rijnmond: Research into resilience with and by children in Rotterdam-Rijnmond.
Giving lessons to primary school children by, among others, Pauline Jansen with "Psychology of Food" and Anita Harrewijn with "The Brain and Fear".
Helping secondary school students with their profile assignments.
Interview with Pauline Jansen: How do you teach a child to eat healthily?
Click here for a shorter version
Danielle Remmerswaal sheds light on how EUR students are doing and what EUR is doing to support student well-being.
Linda Dekker presents results from scientific research for a broad audience, about the impact of COVID-19 on families with children with autism
"The impact of the Corona crisis on adolescents with ASD", written by Linda Dekker in "Child & Adolescent"
"The parental partner relationship: meta-analytic links between children's maladaptive functioning and responses to parental conflict", written by Van Eldik et al. in "Family Therapy Worldwide"
Autism & COVID-19: Impact on children with ASD and suggestions for mental health professionals
A newsletter every 3 (+/-) months to update participants and other interested parties on the progress of the study Autism & COVID-19
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"Help I get breasts", written by Linda Dekker in "Lifehacks for girls with autism".
"The role of the family in the development of antisocial behaviour", written by Peter Prinzie and Maja Dekovic in "Backgrounds of juvenile delinquency".
Hanan El Marroun as 'hersen_onderzoeker' on Instagram
Ruth Van der Hallen on the impact of COVID-19 on children.
Developed a freely-available didactic module on coping and resilience skills in collaboration with the Erasmus Science Hub for children aged 9 to 12 years old