EU Day at the EUR 2025

Special event designed to help EUR's wider research community navigate the evolving EU R&I policy and funding landscape, connect with peers and experts, and strengthen researchers' strategies, careers, and societal impact. The event will feature a mix of awareness-raising sessions and inspiring talks where participants can learn about EUR's Research Vision and Strategy 2030, gain insights into the latest R&I developments at the EU level, including preparations for FP10, and explore specific opportunities for engagement with Brussels.

Tuesday 15 Apr 2025, 09:00 - 17:00
Spoken Language

Campus Woudestein, venue TBD

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Detailed programme available here


As foreseen by the EU’s competitiveness compass, the R&I will be at the heart of European’s competitiveness policy, and the R&I investments will be mainly geared towards bridging the innovation and tech gap with the US and China, decarbonization and increased security (defense). There is increased attention for strengthening European knowledge and innovation ecosystems, with a very active role for the fourth generation of universities. Scientists will be expected to actively engage with society, policy makers, industry, and moreover to actively collaborate with each other, across borders and disciplines.

What would this mean for our research, and what kind of opportunities and challenges are ahead of us will be the topics of 2025 EU Day at the EUR, that will take place on 15 April 2025, at Erasmus University Rotterdam, Woudestein campus.

About the event

This special event is designed to help EUR’s research community to navigate the evolving EU R&I policy and funding landscape, to connect with peers and experts, and to strengthen researchers’ strategy, research careers and impact.

As a researcher, securing EU funding is not just about financial support. It is about expanding your impact, fostering collaborations, and positioning yourself at the forefront of international research. That is why we are bringing together leading experts, successful ERC laureates and principal investigators, and policymakers to share their insights, experiences, and strategies. 

What’s in it for EUR’s research community?

Choose a session that matches your interests and needs, or join us for the whole day event, because this is your opportunity to:

  • stay ahead of the curve with the latest updates on Horizon Europe, FP10 and future EU funding opportunities for research.
  • meet your EU Liaison Officer and the EUR EU funding advisors and get personalized guidance that can facilitate your career ambitions and funding needs.
  • learn more about EUR’s engagement with EU policy makers, funders, networks and alliances, academic and non-academic partners, and what’s in it for you
  • learn from ERC laureates, Principal Investigators and proposal evaluators about what makes a winning application.
  • discover new ways to increase your research visibility and create meaningful impact.
  • engage with fellow researchers, experts, and policymakers to expand your network.

Programme highlights

  • Keynote Addresses by Prof. Bredenoord, president of the Executive Board, Prof. Jantine Schuit, Rector Magnificus and Prof. IJzerman, Chair of the EUR 2030 strategy steering group
  • Keynote Addresses by Prof. Maria Leptin, President of the European Research Council, Roxana Mînzatu, Executive Vice-President for Social Rights and Skills, Quality Jobs and Preparedness (tbc) and Ekaterina Zaharieva, European Commissioner for R&I (tbc) 
  • Session with the deans of research: faculty-level research funding strategies 
  • Latest developments in EU R&I agenda, and the upcoming funding opportunities, with EUR’s EU liaison officer, funding advisors and guest speakers from Brussels 
  • Inspiring stories from ERC grantees, Principal Investigators and grant evaluators
  • Networking and getting to know your EUR community and colleagues

Please check the detailed programme below.

Speakers (amongst others)

  • Thea Hilhorst

    Dorothea Hilhorst is a professor of humanitarian studies at the International Institute for Social Studies (ISS) of Erasmus University in The Hague. She defines humanitarian studies as “the study of societies and vulnerable communities experiencing humanitarian crisis originating from disaster, conflict, refugee situations, and/ or political collapse. It studies the causes and impact of crisis; how people, communities and authorities respond to them, including efforts for prevention and preparedness; how humanitarian action and other external interventions are organized and affect the recovery from crises; and the institutional changes that crises and crisis response engender”. She has a special interest in the intersections of humanitarianism with development, peacebuilding and gender-relations. She currently implements an ERC advanced grant programme on humanitarian governance. She is also part of a research team studying the prevalence of transactional sex in humanitarian crisis situations. In 2022, she was awarded the Spinoza Price, the highest scientific distinction in the Netherlands. Email: Twitter: @hilhorst_thea

    Thea Hilhorst
  • Eveline Crone

    Prof. Eveline Crone is professor in Developmental Neuroscience in Society at Erasmus University Rotterdam and Professor of Neurocognitive Developmental Psychology at Leiden University. Her Society, Youth and Neuroscience Connected (SYNC) lab examines the psychological and neural processes involved in self-regulation and social development from birth to adulthood, with a special focus on adolescence. Her research relies strongly on neuroscience and translational approaches, involving societal partners and youth in the full research cycle and with a direct link to youth policy. Crone is a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), Corresponding Fellow of The British Academy, and Member of the US National Academy of Sciences (NAS). She is the President of the International Flux Society for Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience and past Vice-President for Social Sciences and Humanities of the Scientific Council of the European Research Council (ERC), the European Commission’s flagship program for excellent science.

    Eveline Crone
  • Joep Roet

    As deputy director at Neth-ER, Joep Roet takes care of the smooth operations of the association. He coordinates the policy work and meetings with members and ministries. He also follows the EU budget and the shaping of the next framework programme, FP10.

    Joep started at the Netherlands house for Education and Research in 2019. He has worked on many files since, including Horizon 2020/Europe, Erasmus+, the European Research Area, international cooperation, digitalisation and the Green Deal.

    Previous roles include Porter Novelli Brussels and the European Health Parliament, as well as internships at the European Commission and the Dutch Foreign Ministry.

    Joep studied international relations at the Diplomatische Akademie Wien, Chinese at Beijing Language and Culture University, and geography & politics at University College Utrecht.

    Joep Roet (Neth-ER)
  • Fatma Saçli

    Fatma Saçli is National Contact Person at the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) for Horizon Europe, cluster 5 Mobility. Acting in this capacity, she is a member of the Dutch national delegations at the Programme Committee of Horizon Europe, cluster 5: climate, energy, mobility; at the States’ Representatives Group of Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking and at the States Representatives’ Group of CCAM (Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility) Partnership. Fatma holds a PhD degree in public administration at Erasmus University Rotterdam.

    Fatma Saçli (RVO)
  • Thijs van den Broek

    Thijs van den Broek is assistant professor in the Socio-Medical Sciences research group at the Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management.  He is a quantitative social scientist focusing on wellbeing, health and (informal and formal) care use, in particular of older people and migrants. He serves as Associate Editor of the diamond open access journal Demographic Research and has led projects funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) and the Economic Social Research Council (ESRC, UK). Previously, he held a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship for a project on the health and wellbeing of Turkish migrants in Europe.

    Thijs van den Broek

Event team

Host: Meri Georgievska-van de Laar, EU Liaison Officer (

Event Manager: Barbara van der Schoot (

Communication advisor: Jovana Paredes (


I will be present during the interactive session ‘EUR’s EU agenda; retrospective and opportunities ahead’ with Annelien Bredenoord EUR’s EU liaison officer and funding advisor. (9:00 – 10:45) Contains required fields
I will be present during the interactive session ‘EUR’s research Mission, vision and strategic priorities 2030’ with e.g. Maarten IJzerman and Deans of Research. (11:00 – 12:30) Contains required fields
I will be present during the interactive session Latest developments in the EU R&I agenda, opportunities and challenges ahead’ with guest speakers from Brussels. (13:15 – 14:30) Contains required fields
I will be present during the interactive session ‘Inspire yourself’ with experiences of ERC laureates, principal investigators, proposal evaluators and grant reviewers. (14:45 - 16:45) Contains required fields
I will be present during the Networking Lunch. Contains required fields
I will be present during the Networking Drinks. Contains required fields

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Erasmus University Rotterdam handles your information confidentially. Your data will only be used for EU Day purposes. You can find more information at our privacy statement.

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For any questions related to the event, please contact Meri Georgievska-van de Laar:

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