ESSB Sustainability Dialogue

For staff and students ESSB
Campus garden, campus Woudestein/

The Executive Board of Erasmus University Rotterdam has asked all faculties to engage in sustainability dialogues, in which faculty, support staff and students come together to articulate and voice shared concerns, approaches, and visions for sustainability at the EUR. ESSB organises its ESSB Sustainability Dialogue on November 2.

Thursday 2 Nov 2023, 14:00 - 20:15
Spoken Language
Ground floor
Q Building
Registration is open Add to calendar

How would we imagine teaching, researching, engaging with society, and learning more sustainably? What would we need - from each other, the faculty, and the university? What is the ESSB approach to sustainability? 

The results of these roundtable sessions will not only be crucial ingredients for further faculty initiatives and strategies but also will feed into the Executive Board’s crafting of a sustainability approach.  

Concretely, we will organise two dialogue sessions on the 2nd of November: one at 14:00-16.30 and the second at 17:45-20.15. You are invited to either one of those and will be treated to a nice (sustainable) dinner either after your participation in the first session or before the second session. 
Moderator: Malou van Hintum

The ESSB Sustainability Dialogue is organised by Sustainability Officers dr. Irene van Oorschot (ESSB, Woudestein) and dr. Ana Vasques (EUC), led by Prof. Victor Bekkers, Dean of ESSB. 

Irene van Oorschot
Tim Leguijt fotografie

Sustainability Officer ESSB Irene van Oorschot: "Climate change is the problem of our century. It affects us as human beings but also as scientists because it cuts across our disciplinary issues. And also, as a non-scientist, it affects your work and life. But what do we do with this realisation? How can we turn it into individual and collective caring practices for others and the earth? And I wonder, how do we make this concrete - as people, scientists, support staff, students, and faculty? That is why I call: join and come to the ESSB sustainability dialogue on 2 November; whether you are a researcher, teacher, supporter or student - share your concerns, ideas, and concrete proposals."

Sustainability Officer EUC Ana Vasques is actively involved in creating a sustainable future: "What can you do, with what and how can you contribute to making our organisation and education more sustainable? That is what I want to talk about and teach students to think about a sustainable future for everyone. I notice a lot of energy but also unrest among students about the future and how livable the earth will remain. That's why this ESSB Sustainability Dialogue is so important. We in the faculty need to think and take action for an ESSB idea on sustainability. We can only achieve this together. Therefore, come to the ESSB Sustainability Dialogue on 2 November."

Decaan ESSB Victor Bekkers
Prof.dr. Victor Bekkers
Fotograaf: Wilma van de Hel

Dean Victor Bekkers embraced the sustainability dialogue: "It is becoming increasingly clear that climate change will have a negative impact on our lives. It affects all facets of our daily lives. As Dean of the faculty, I also want to take responsibility for this. What does climate change and sustainability mean for ESSB: for our teaching, our research, how we want to realise social impact, and how we organise our operations? That is an important task. I would like to shape and give substance to that task with you. That's why I see these Sustainability Dialogues as an opportunity to start having this conversation within our faculty. It may also be that you don't think it's a topic to talk about. That, too, is important to know. Hence my appeal: let your ideas, concerns, doubts, and proposals be heard at the ESSB Sustainability Dialogue on 2 November. I see it as a first step towards developing a vision on sustainability for both ESSB and EUR."

More information

Marjolein Kooistra, communications ESSB, 

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