EUR Buddy Programme

Coming to the Netherlands for your studies means that you will be the new habitant of our country and the beautiful city of Rotterdam. Most of all you will be a student at Erasmus University Rotterdam. You will probably notice cultural differences, different customs, landscapes, etc. Taking this all in might be quite overwhelming, especially when you are trying to settle down and find your way through the city and campus. Luckily, the EUR buddies are there for you to help!

The EUR buddy programme is created by the faculties and ESN Rotterdam to help the international students by settling in to their new environment. Experienced students will be assigned to you as EUR buddies and by sharing their own knowledge and experiences of Rotterdam student life, they can help you with all sorts of questions and issues you might have upon arrival and during the rest of your stay abroad. Questions on Rotterdam hot spots, arranging a cell phone contract or your first exams? Don't worry, your buddies will be available for questions.

Besides all that, the EUR buddies are lots of fun to hang out with, too! Get to know our buddies on Facebook and via email (You will receive an invite once you request a buddy) and meet them in person during the faculty introduction days!

P.S. On the 31st of August the buddies will show you around during the campus tour and city tour. This is a great opportunity to get to know the city and each other! Sign up for the buddy programme

Any questions about the buddy programme? Mail to 

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