Conozca a ESSB en América Latina

Bienvenidos a Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences (Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y del Comportamiento - ESSB), una de las siete escuelas de la prestigiosa Universidad de Erasmus de Rotterdam (EUR)., una universidad situada en Rotterdam, Países Bajos. Decidir estudiar en el extranjero es un gran paso para muchos estudiantes, especialmente aquellos que vienen de América Latina. En esta página encontrarás más información sobre tus estudios de grado y/o posgrado. Esto es lo que Rotterdam y EUR tienen para ofrecerte:

Welcome to Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences, one of the seven schools of the highly-ranked Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), a research university located in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. We know that it is a big step to go abroad for your undergrad or graduate studies, especially if you are coming all the way from Latin America. This page will give you some extra specific information. Here is what Rotterdam and the EUR have to offer you.

Erasmus campus high view

Why Latin American students choose ESSB / EUR

  • There is a big Latin American / Spanish speaking community in Rotterdam;
  • There are a lot of opportunities for students around campus; dancing classes, language courses, sport facilities;
  • Possibility to work in the Netherlands after completing your studies (zoekjaar);
  • Top ranked undergraduate and graduate programmes completely taught in English – no need to learn another language;
  • Our international classrooms - a mix of international and Dutch students - is common across the university;
  • The atmosphere is usually informal, and it is pretty easy to speak to our professors directly;

Admission requirements

Admission requirements and deadlines vary per programme, it is important to check their individual webpages. In the meantime, this should give you an idea:

  • Valid high school diploma (e.g. Bachiller/Preperatoria or IB).
  • English proficiency test required (indication: TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge English Language Assessment).
  • Specific requirements or minimum scores vary by programme.
  • Numerus fixus for International Bachelor in Psychology.
  • Deadlines: January 15 for International Bachelor in Psychology and April 1 for Management of International Social Challenges.

  • Bachelor degree from a research university in a relevant area; we will assess the transcript during the application process.
  • English proficiency test required (indication: TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge English Language Assessment).
  • Specific requirements or minimum scores may vary per programme.
  • Motivation statement.

Visit us virtually during the Bachelor or Master Open Day

Preparing to study abroad will be an exciting time for you! We are here to help, and therefore we will attend a number of online Bachelor and Master Open Days virtually in 2021 to provide you with all the knowledge you need to have in order to start your studies abroad. We will be happy to answer all of your questions regarding any aspect of your future studies, whether it is about how to enroll in your future studies, how Erasmus University is organising the courses in times of corona, where to find a place to live in Rotterdam or where to buy that bicycle (a must in Holland). 

Please feel free to simply 'stop by' at our virtual place during any of the upcoming fairs. We will meet you there! 

Yes, Non-EU students who complete a bachelor or master from a Dutch institution are offered a one-year visa to stay in the Netherlands (or any Schengen country) to build a network & gain experience. You do not have to use the year immediately upon graduation.

No. EUR sends the required documents for your visa after you are officially admitted to one of EUR’s programmes.

In Holland, higher education is subsidized, which means that tuition fees can be kept relatively low, especially compared with the United Kingdom and the United States. Because of this, we do not have an extensive scholarship programme. This doesn't mean we don't have them at all though, so make sure to have a closer look.

Yes, master students from select programmes can get a 10% discount on tuition fee + additional loan, scholarship and support for health insurance and living costs.


Why I love the Netherlands

The Netherlands

  • Safe for international standards; the Netherlands is among the safest countries in the world, according to the 2020 Global Peace Index, and has a great standard of living;
  • The Netherlands is known as easygoing, liberal and tolerant - ideal for students;
  • English as unofficial second language; 
  • Highly digitalised;
  • Maritime climate (winter average 3°C, summer 19°C);
  • Biking is the most popular means of transportation;
  • KLM flies directly to many Latin American cities;
  • Train from Amsterdam airport to Rotterdam takes 25 min by fast train or 50 minute by regular train.
View of rotterdam


  • Metropolitan city, a true melting pot with approximately 170 nationalities among its 600,000 inhabitants;
  • Major hub of international trade because it is Europe's largest commercial port;
  • Hosts many multinational organisations. You might get to know your future employer during your studies, for example by doing an internship;
  • Good connections to the rest of the Netherlands and other European countries
Desde fiestas hasta eventos culturales, paseos por los canales y días en el parque, Rotterdam es una ciudad llena de posibilidades. Es un ambiente muy internacional, lo cual te hace sentir que no estás sola o solo.
After a very demanding but incredibly enriching year of study at the EUR, I went back to Peru with a whole new perspective on how to deal with complex governance problems.

A sample of our partners in Latin America

Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences has a great network of university partners around the world. A sample for our partners in the area are:

  • Universidad de Monterrey (Mexico)
  • Universidad de Mayor (Chile)

EUR in rankings

Erasmus University Rotterdam is a top-100 university

EUR scores high on QS Graduate Employability Rankings

Rotterdam: a city to discover!

Living, getting around, studying and safety.

Studenten maken selfie

Virtual Experience

Scroll through campus, classrooms, and student housing in the virtual experience

Girl behind laptop

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