What are we researching?
Digital Education looks at the potential, design, and evaluation of digital technologies on teaching, learning and the education system. Research questions focus on the potential and the usages of new technologies and their adoption by educators and learners, the design parameters of technologies. It also focusses on how humans perceive their added value and affordances, as also the evaluation of digital tools for education and their impact on cognitive, affective and psycho-motoric learning outcomes.
Why are we doing this research?
This research focuses on the added values and drawbacks of current technologies in use as also the current instructional designs in which these are used. The research stresses the interdisciplinary approach in evaluating added value and perceived affordances of digitalization. It also conceptualizes and develops new approaches for digital education. We do this research because we want to show policymakers, teachers, instructional designers and students how digitalization can be used to benefit teaching and learning.
How are we doing this research?
The research works with participatory design approaches, focus groups, and qualitative methods. Design and implements lab studies for in depth analysis of effects on learning and teaching as also in field studies for understanding classroom variables and their impact.
How does our research make an impact?
The research on the one hand delivers evidence for understanding the use and impact of educational technologies in general as also in concrete classroom settings. The output generates research publications as well as guidelines and best practice studies for educators and learners. Recently the pandemic has demonstrated how important the use of digital technologies is for a resilient education system. This system allows mixed modes of delivery, teaching and collaboration, at the same time also all stakeholders experienced the shortcomings of current digital technologies considering engagement, self-regulation, and well-being.