Analyse data measured on different levels

The following courses match your selection

Multilevel modelling 1: an introduction

ECTS: 2.5 
Number of sessions: 4
Hours per session: 3

In this course, PhD candidates will get an introduction into the theory of multilevel modelling, while focussing on two level multilevel models with a 'continuous' response variable. In addition, during the final two sessions, participants will focus on the methodology (needs and questions) of their own research. During these sessions, you have the opportunity to get into depths with planning your approach, or with further analysing your data.

Multilevel modelling 2: structural equation modelling (SEM)

ECTS: 2.5 
Number of sessions: 4
Hours per session: 3

The objective of this course is to introduce participants with a basic knowledge of multilevel models to some more advanced analyses approaches. Specifically, after we refreshed everyone’s multilevel knowledge with a short introduction to multilevel modelling, we will introduce participants to multilevel Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) and the MPlus program. 

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