Organisation and Management

Team leader: Prof. dr. Sandra van Thiel


Our team is the center of expertise for research into the management of organisations, in particu­lar public sector organisations. We focus on topics such as innovation, leadership, management techniques, and collaboration with various stakeholders, including governments, societal stakeholders, private businesses, and citizens. Our research aims to contribute to a sustainable and inclusive working environment for employees and helps organisations to achieve value for themselves and for society. We use state of the art research methods. Furthermore, we actively pursue = synergies between research, teaching and societal impact, recognizing their valuable interconnections that help advance the field as a whole. 


Organisations interact with their environment, rife with technological, cultural, societal, and economic shifts, alongside heightened complexity and competition. The challenges that organisations face call for innovation of their processes, structures, and outcomes. This leads to new organisational forms and ways of working, both within the organisation, as well as in the relationships between organisations across the public and private sector. Moreover, particularly in the case of public sector organisations, political challenges also affect the creation of public value for society as a whole. 

Organisations are thus faced with several questions: How to deal with external changes, pressures, and opportunities? How to navigate political-administrative relations to aid rather than impede performance?How to structure and govern internal and external relationships? And, how to ensure organisational success concerning innovation, ethics, diversity and inclusion, employee well-being, profitability, and stakeholder satisfaction?

These are questions at the heart of the research of the members of this team. We have identified three themes of research that are central to our research: internal management, the future ways of working and forms of organisations, and external management. 

Click on a research topic to learn more about our research:


Our team is responsible for two learning lines in the bachelor, namely (1) organisation and management; and (2) methods. The team coordinates and offers three master programmes: Public Management, Management of HRM and Change (MHRV), and Labour Organisation Management (AOM). We teach in other programmes as well, such as the research master, and various executive programmes.


Impact and engagement work in two ways. On the one hand, practitioners formulate questions and topics (so-called ‘leads’) they would like to be researched and solved by practical solutions. On the other hand, researchers will use different methods and channels to share the knowledge they have gained from their research. There are several ways in which our team tries to achieve impact. These include collaborating and interacting with practitioners in commissioned research, holding special chairs funded by NSOB and Gemeente Rotterdam, participating in committees and advisory councils, teaching masterclasses and workshops, and writing professional publications.

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