A tribute
The Professor Dr J.A.A. van Doorn Chair is a tribute to Jacques van Doorn, founder of the department of Sociology at the former Nederlandse Economische Hogeschool (Dutch Economic University of Applied Sciences) which later became the Erasmus University Rotterdam. Sociology is embedded in the Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences since September 1st, 2017.
On the 14th of May 2008 Mr van Doorn passed away. He is considered as one of the leading Dutch sociologists after the Second World War. Jacques van Doorn has had a major influence on Dutch sociology in general and on the education of sociology in Rotterdam in particular. With the so-called Rotterdam Formula he was one of the fundamental people who devised the education of Sociology at the Erasmus University.
The dean has decided, upon the recommendation of the departments of Sociology and Public Administration, to honour Professor Van Doorn by implementing the Professor Dr. J.A.A. van Doorn Chair. The alternating Chair has been realised in collaboration with NIAS-KNAW which offers the Van Doorn Fellowship.
Curatorium Van Doorn Chair | NIAS Van Doorn Fellowship
A curatorium is attached to the Chair & Fellowship, which is responsible for the implementation of the Chair | Fellowship.
Members are: Prof. Romke van der Veen (DPAS), Prof. Jan Willem Duyvendak (NIAS), Prof. Liesbet van Zoonen (Graduate School EGHS)
Contact person: Marjolein Kooistra, official secretary, kooistra@essb.eur.nl