An experiment in citizen data. Sociotechnical imaginaries of different data futures.
Controversies over Facebook data breaches and election influencing of Cambridge Analytica along with claims about alternative facts make it a challenging situation to present a research experiment that involves designing an app for citizen engagement, states prof. Evelyn Ruppert in her lecture An experiment in citizen data. Sociotechnical imaginaries of different data futures.
However, Ruppert argues that this vulnerable and precarious state of digital technologies provides openings for reimagining relations between states and citizens in the production of knowledge and statistics.
Through an account of a design experiment, she offers sociotechnical imaginaries that explore the democratic possibilities of different data futures. The account draws on research funded by a European Research Council funded project, Peopling Europe: How data make a people (ARITHMUS).
Van Doorn lecture 14 June 2018
3rd Van Doorn lecture by prof. Evelyn Ruppert during the Dag van de Sociologie 2018.