Erasmus University Rotterdam values a healthy, pleasant, and clean working and learning environment. All EUR locations are therefore non-smoking. This is in line with the legislation regarding smoke-free school grounds, in effect from August 1, 2020. The smoking ban applies 24/7 to all students, employees, suppliers, residents, and other campus users, without exceptions and for all tobacco and smoking products.
It is a shared responsibility of all of us to keep the campus smoke-free. Only if everyone complies with this national measure, we will together ensure that the campus is and will remain smoke-free. In this way we contribute to a healthier society.
Smoking outside of the campus
There are no longer any facilities to extinguish cigarettes and throw away cigarette butts at the EUR locations. If you still want to smoke, this is only allowed outside the campus grounds. The campus boundaries of location Woudestein are clearly marked at the entrances by a blue line on the ground and the "Smoke-free campus" signs. To prevent pollution, ashtrays are placed at the entrances in which cigarettes and butts can be thrown away. The blue line is missing at the other EUR locations, because the outdoor space there belongs to the municipality.

Enforcement in the smoke-free zone
The EUR enforces the smoking ban. In case of violation, the university can take measures, as set in the Regulations maintaining order EUR Buildings, Grounds and Facilities. In addition, the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) will also enforce the law on behalf of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport. If fines imposed on the EUR can be traced back to a person, association or organization, the university can recover these fine(s) from the person, association or organization concerned.
Smoking during working time?
Because smokers now must smoke outside the campus and have to walk further, a smoking break takes more time. This probably means a change in the daily routine. Employees and managers make arrangements about this (more information on MyEUR). Both parties can take the initiative. The basic principle is that smoking should not interfere with work and working time.
Quit smoking
For EUR staff who want to quit smoking but need extra motivation, the EUR offers support on certain aspects. View all options which are available on MyEUR.
Frequently asked questions and information
If you have a comment or a question, please contact us by sending an mail to tomorrowscampus@eur.nl. You can also have a look in the FAQs below.
The General Measure of Governance for smoke-free school sites, which is drawn up by the Ministry of Public Health (VWS), is in force on 1 August 2020. This means that all school sites (from primary school to Higher Professional Education/University) must be completely smoke-free.
Yes. The General Measure of Governance for smoke-free school sites, which is drawn up by the Ministry of Public Health (VWS), is in force on 1 August 2020. This means that all school sites (from primary school to Higher Professional Education/University) must be completely smoke-free.
On the website Smokefree you will find a lot of information and tips about quitting smoking. In addition, you can get advice from your doctor and possibly a referral to a course or program 'Stop smoking'.
Attention! From January 2020, this will be reimbursed at a lot of health insurers. Pay attention to this when choosing your health care provider.
Because a smoking break takes much more time, you can experience some difficulties with your working hours. The basic principle is that smoking should not stand in the way of work and working hours. Discuss this point with your manager because the manager and the employee must make agreements about this together.
Cigarette butts can be thrown away in the special waste bins outside the campus, at the campus borders (these are not yet everywhere and will be placed in the coming months).
Smoking is not allowed in the parking due to a fire hazard. In addition, the car parks are part of the campus grounds, so you are not allowed to smoke there due to the smoking ban on all university's locations.
- Laura Hofstee, beleidsadviseur Real Estate & Facilities (projectleider)
- Annemiek Kuijsten, hoofd Services, RE&F
- Naomi van der Maden, beleidsadviseur Human Resources
- Joop Matthijsse, hoofd Studentenvoorzieningen, Education & Student Affairs
- Jelle Jager, adviseur Security, RE&F
- Wim Hanemaaijer, locatiebeheerder en teamleider Stewards, RE&F
- Laura Lindsen, procescoördinator Campusvoorzieningen, RE&F
- Communicatieadviseur
- Marijke Weustink, directeur Real Estate & Facilities (voorzitter stuurgroep)
- Lilian Jillissen, directeur Education and Student Affairs
- Lieke Skidmore-Vencken, directeur Human Resources
- Mireille Spapens, directeur Marketing & Communications
- Denise Korthals-Altes, jurist Legal Affairs
- Aisha de Valk-Abubaker, Facilities and Services Manager RSM (namens faculteiten)
- Yogi Hendlin, U-Raad
In de denktank zitten personen met expertise of interesse op het gebied van gedragsverandering en/of roken, vanuit o.a. ESSB, ESE, ESPHIL, Healthy’R, UB. Als je interesse hebt om ook mee te denken, dan kun je een mail sturen naar laura.hofstee@eur.nl .
Overige betrokken
Naast de leden van de stuurgroep, projectgroep en denktank zijn er nog meer personen en organisaties betrokken, zoals de afdeling Marketing & Communicatie, de gemeente Rotterdam en Hogeschool Rotterdam.