dr. R (Robin) van den Akker


Robin van den Akker is Senior Lecturer Continental Philosophy and Cultural Studies in, and academic program coordinator of, the Humanities Department of Erasmus University College Rotterdam. Robin is founding editor of the research platform 'Notes on Metamodernism', which maps and analyses changes in aesthetics and culture that are symptomatic of the post-postmodern condition. He is co-editor of the edited collection *Metamodernism: Historicity, Affect, and Depth* (2017) that appeared in the Radical Cultural Studies Series of Rowman & Littlefield International. His work has been translated in numerous languages, including Mandarin, Russian, German, and Spanish. Robin has written extensively on the digitization of everyday life and contemporary aesthetics and culture in *The Journal of Aesthetics and Culture*, *Frieze*, *ArtPulse*, *Monu*, *The American Book Review*, *De Groene Amsterdammer*, and various other journals, magazines, and edited collections.  As a member of ‘Het Filosofisch Elftal’ he has a regular column on current events in the Dutch daily newspaper *Trouw.* Robin studied Social History (BA), Media and Journalism (MA) and Philosophy (MA) at Erasmus University Rotterdam and Cultural Inquiry (MPhil, Distinction) at the University of Birmingham. In his doctoral dissertation (Philosophy/EUR) *The Social Production of Hybrid Space* he analysed the implications of mobile and locative interfaces for our practices in urban public space as well as our experiences of the city.

Erasmus School of Philosophy

Associate professor | WP ESPhil

More information


  • Robin Akker (2 April 2012) - Metamodernism
  • Robin Akker (1 January 2012) - What do the metamodernists want?
  • Robin Akker (1 January 2012) - Wat willen de metamodernisten?
  • Robin Akker (31 December 2010) - Die neuen Müden
  • Robin Akker (1 May 2010) - De mens als ontwerp. Interview met Designkrant Rotterdam
  • Robin Akker (21 October 2009) - Asociaal?

  • Robin Akker & V Vermeulen (2018) - 8 Theses on Cofveve (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Professional
  • Robin Akker & T Vermeulen (2018) - Notes on irony and sincerity (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Academic
  • Robin Akker (2017) - Recycling the Moderns: Metamodernism and the Dustbin of History (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Popular
  • Robin Akker (2017) - Metamodern Aesthetics: Periodizing Space and Mapping Time (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Popular
  • Robin Akker (2016) - Social Media & Populism: A Dutch Case (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Academic
  • Robin Akker (2016) - Populisme en Polarisatie (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Popular
  • Robin Akker (2016) - De Athleet-van-het-zelf: Sport als Werk, Arbeid als Sport (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Professional
  • Valerie Frissen, Esther Keymolen & Robin Akker (2013) - Trust in Hybrid Space : the case of Grindr (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Academic
  • Robin Akker (2013) - Anything Goes? Whatever Works! On Metamodernism’ (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Academic
  • Robin Akker (2013) - Bonding E-Rhythms (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Academic

AASC: Philosophy of Culture

Course Code

Erasmus School of Philosophy Honours

Course Code

Academic Writing Assessment

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