The MA Philosophy is an inspiring and challenging programme that deepens my knowledge and improves my academic skills.
Aleid Barmentlo
Student MA Philosophy
The MA Philosophy is an important next chapter of my education in philosophy. I completed my Bachelor Philosophy here at the Erasmus University and it made me curious and eager to also enjoy the subsequent master programme. During the MA Philosophy you are challenged in order to stimulate your development as an academic. Therefore, it is an advanced and more specialized continuation of the philosophical education I received in the bachelor programme.
You are challenged by reading compelling literature, practicing your writing skills, and participating in discussions during class. The students that attend the courses have various academic, as well as geographic, backgrounds. This diversity of perspectives, which are also discussed during class, make for a very enriching experience. Furthermore, the MA Philosophy is a small-scale programme, which means that you can have good and personal contact with your fellow students, teachers, and other people that are involved in the faculty.
In the academic field, Erasmus School of Philosophy of the Erasmus University Rotterdam is renowned for its inspirational lecturers and variety of research topics. Various areas of philosophy are represented through the academic staff. Each area includes researchers with specialized knowledge, who engage in societal as well as academic debates. This is also reflected in the MA programme, as a large part of the courses is based on the research conducted by the lecturers themselves. This input from their own research, as well as the use of contemporary examples, is highly appreciated by students.
The programme offers possibilities to compose your own specialization. You are able to choose one of the tracks, either Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) or Continental Philosophy and its History (CPH). Next to this, there is plenty of space to choose your preferred electives. The elective space can include elective courses, but also an exchange or internship. At the same time, you can both enjoy a coherent programme as well as the flexibility to pursue your own preferences.