Ruby Knipscheer publishes 'Denkwolken'

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On December 23rd 2022, Ruby Knipscheer, Senior Tutor, published her new poetry collection Denkwolken: De gedachten en gedichten van een Rotterdamse filosoof. She did so with Boekscout. Read along for a description of the collection.

Denkwolken is about Ruby Knipscheer's experiences and encounters in Rotterdam, her critical observations about society and about ideas she has for connecting people and making the world a little nicer. It is a collection to inspire and get people thinking about how we can take a small step toward a better world and more peaceful society with our attitudes. We can play a role in brightening the day of a casual passerby or by our small actions leave the world more beautiful. Such an attitude can be created by learning philosophical skills such as learning to listen, learning to argue and articulate one's opinion in a respectful manner and empathizing with other perspectives.

For Knipscheer, philosophy is a set of skills, such as learning to think in new directions, to be open to other perspectives and to adopt a curious and critical attitude toward the world around you. She believes the world would be a lot nicer if we all had some of these philosophical skills in our daily toolbox. That's why Knipscheer tries to make philosophy a little more accessible to everyone. One of these ways is to write poetry. She loves connecting art and philosophy and using this medium to inspire and make people think.

More information

For more information (in Dutch), see the website of Boekscout.

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