Professor Sanneke de Haan discusses in a podcast whether it's a bad thing to be average

Is it a bad thing to be average? Socrates Professor of Psychiatry & Philosophy Sanneke de Haan shares her insights in the podcast Loket voor het leven, in which she addresses questions such as: when do we consider someone average or special? And how special is the life of a 'special person'? In any case, you don't have to be special to lead a good life, De Haan believes.

foto van Sanneke de Haan
Sietske Arnoldus

Calling yourself special is a little bit uncomfortable. But does that make you average? And is that bad? That is the question central to the second episode of Loket voor het Leven, a podcast by Trouw.


Sanneke de Haan is Socrates Professor of Psychiatry and Philosophy. Her research is at the intersection of fundamental questions such as: What is it to make sense of your world, yourself and others? How can this go wrong? And what does that tell us about the human condition?

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