New issue of EJPE now available!

The latest issue of the Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics (EJPE) is now available online at Please see below for an overview of the issue and visit our website for more!

 EJPE is a peer-reviewed bi-annual academic journal supported by the Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economics at the Erasmus School of Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam. EJPE publishes research on the methodology, history, ethics, and interdisciplinary relations of economics, and welcomes contributions from all scholars with an interest in any of its research domains. EJPE is an Open Access Journal: all the content is permanently available online without subscription or payment.



 Moral Community and Moral Order: Developing Buchanan’s Multilevel Social Contract Theory by James Caton

 BOOK SYMPOSIUM on How We Cooperate

 Kantian Kantian Optimization by Matthew Braham and Martin van Hees

 Normative Aspects of Kantian Equilibrium by Itai Sher

 Roemer on the Rationality of Cooperation by Peter Vallentyne

 Do Kantians Drive Others to Extinction? by Jean-François Laslier

 Response to Braham and van Hees, Sher, Vallentyne, and Laslier by John E. Roemer


 What Egalitarianism Requires: An Interview with John E. Roemer


 Reflections on the 2020 Nobel Memorial Prize Awarded to Paul Milgrom and Robert Wilson by Maarten C. W. Janssen


 Alberto Mingardi’s Classical Liberalism and the Industrial Working Class:

The Economic Thought of Thomas Hodgskin by Daniel Layman       

 Janek Wasserman’s The Marginal Revolutionaries: How Austrian Economists Fought the War of Ideas by Ola Innset

 Cheryl Misak’s Frank Ramsey: A Sheer Excess of Powers by David C. Coker

 Valentin Beck, Henning Hahn, and Robert Lepenies’ (eds.) Dimensions of Poverty: Measurement, Epistemic Injustices, Activism by S. Subramanian

 Thomas Piketty’s Capital and Ideology by Francesco Guala

 Robert B. Talisse’s Overdoing Democracy: Why We Must Put Politics in its Place by Elias Antilla

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