Half of academic researchers experience negative influence from companies or governments that commission research

Portrait of professor Ronald van Raak.

Universities do business with companies to do research with those companies. But how do you make sure the research process is not affected by that? Students worry about this. Professor Ronald van Raak has an idea and wants more distance between academics and clients of these studies.

Businesses and government make investments in, and commission, scientific research. Students express concerns regarding the independence of these studies. Normally, this is guaranteed in scientific research, but (other) research shows that in the Netherlands this is not always upheld. Not only students themselves are concerned about this, obviously the researchers who do this work are as well, just like universities where these studies take place and a wider public that is presented with the results. 

Van Raak speaks about his understanding of this situation, outlines it as clearly as possible, and suggests improvements and solutions. Curious about what exactly he has to say? See the link under the 'more information' section.


More information

This fragment (in Dutch) can be found on the website of NPO Radio 1.

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