Gijs van Oenen on shortlist Socratesbeker

Earlier we reported that Marli Huijer and Gijs van Oenen are on the longlist for the Socratesbeker, the country's leading prize for philosophical work (awarded by the Stichting Maand van de Filosofie). The shortlist has been announced, and Gijs van Oenen - Associate Professor in Practical Philosophy - has remained on the list. He is nominated for his book Culturele veldslagen: filosofie van de culture wars.

The Socratesbeker is the award for the most stimulating philosophy book of the previous year. In the coming period, the jury is deliberating on the best philosophy book of 2023. Now, the shortlist has been published.

Since 2002, the Stichting Maand van de Filosofie awards the Socratesbeker annually to the author of the most urgent, original and stimulating Dutch-language philosophy book published in the previous year. For the Socratesbeker, all books appearing in the previous year (Jan - Dec) are eligible. The submitted book is written in Dutch, philosophical in nature, predominantly non-fiction and does not involve a collection.

The award ceremony will take place on 12 April at Spui25 in Amsterdam. More information will be available in due course.

More information

For more information, see the webpage of Stichting Maand van de Filosofie.

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