Erasmus Student Journal of Philosophy Issue 21: out now!

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The 21st edition of the Erasmus Student Journal of Philosophy (ESJP) is now available! The ESJP publishes the best philosophical papers, written by philosophy students. The authors of this issue are Sebastian Cincelli, Arwen Vonck, and Nathalie Maria Kirch. We hope that their work will be of inspiration.

You can find the latest edition (and the previous ones) here: or visit our website at

The latest edition is also available as a download below.

More information

The Erasmus Student Journal of Philosophy (ESJP) is a double-blind peer-reviewed student journal that publishes the best philosophical papers written by students from Erasmus School of Philosophy and from the Humanities Program of the Erasmus University College. The ESJP aims to further enrich the philosophical environment in which Rotterdam’s philosophy students develop their thinking and to bring their best work to the attention of a wider intellectual audience.

Aside from serving as an important academic platform for students to present their work, the journal has two other goals. First, to provide members of the editorial board the opportunity to develop their own editing and writing skills. Second, to enable students to realize their first official academic publication during their time as a student at ESPhil or the Humanities Department of the EUC. Published papers are available on the ESPhil website, Google Scholar and Repub.

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