Together with co-editor Federico Faroldi (University of Pavia), Frederik Van De Putte is happy to announce the publication of Kit Fine On Truthmakers, Relevance, and Non-Classical Logic (Springer). This volume appears in the series Outstanding Contrutions to Logic, where the work of world-renowned logicians and formal philosophers is reviewed, criticized, and commented on by leading scholars in the field.

Kit Fine's legacy in metaphysics and philosophical logic can hardly be overestimated. It ranges from fundamental insights about abstraction, metametaphysics, essence, and ground, to groundbreaking formal work on modal logic, truthmaker semantics, hyperintensionality, counterfactuals, and imperatives. The variety of topics he has worked on is striking, and his skill in transferring ideas and methods from one problem to another is unmatched in contemporary analytic philosophy.
This book contains an editorial introduction outlining Kit's main contributions to the field, a short intellectual autobiography, a comprehensive bibliography of Kit's work, and 15 original, peer reviewed chapters by a wide variety of scholars. One very particular aspect of this book – also compared to other volumes in the series – is that Kit Fine made tremendous efforts in reacting to each of the chapters extensively, resulting in 15 "reply" chapters that showcase the freshness and liveliness of the underlying debates, and Kit's own view on them. In this way the book is not only a tribute to a living legend in the field, but also makes headway into new, unknown territory for philosophical logic.
- Associate professor
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The book is available at the central Erasmus University Library, under this link: A paper version is also available for loan.
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