
Research boeken

EIPE has its own library with a small collection of approximately 800 books on the philosophy and history of economics. It is intended to supplement the main university library's resources for students and staff at EIPE. 

You can find the EIPE library here. You need to be a member of the library system to be able to borrow books. For questions about registration on the library system, please contact the librarian, Gergana Boncheva, by email. The rules for using the library can be found here

The library is presently run by student assistant Camila Cabanzo Fracasso. See contact information below.


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Camila Cabanzo Fracasso

Student Assistant EIPE

The library is presently run by student assistant Camila Cabanzo Fracasso. (Books can be borrowed by arrangement). 

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EIPE is known throughout the world for its support of research that lies in the interstices of philosophy, economics, methodology, and ethics. It is a place to come to study and a place to present one's work.

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